Winterton community academy death. YELLOW: Over 95% – things can get better.
Winterton community academy death Make key decisions on clients and suppliers faster, discover leads and connect with decision makers, and easily monitor opportunities that get better through time . Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 Fax: (01724) 733051 email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive Scunthorpe DN15 9QD. Children with medical conditions will be encouraged and supported to Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca. By providing an opportunity for direct discussion between parents/carers and teachers, we aim to ensure that parents/carers are aware of their child’s attainment and progress, and that teachers are aware of parent’s/carer’s concerns, questions Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. com Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. 01724732777. The offical school day starts at 08. uk RED: Below 90% – this is a huge concern and means that over 19 days of learning have been lost over the course of the year. Top 20%. Joy Simon, 61, was attacked on Monday morning Judge Jeremy Richardson QC said Elisha Burkill could be identified as he began sentencing her on Friday for the attack at Winterton Community Academy, near Scunthorpe, A 16-year-old girl was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in relation to the incident, which happened at Winterton Community Academy yesterday morning. Whether you require a venue for a sporting event, a space for meetings or for performances. com Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref: LD/ AW/CL2 2nd December, 2022 Dear parent / guardian, In our commitment to ensure ‘no child will go hungry’. It is developed further at Key Stage 4 when all students will The victim, a 61-year-old woman, suffered non-life threatening wounds in the alleged attack just before 9am on Monday at Winterton Community Academy. The aim of Careers Education at Winterton Community Academy is to provide students with the information and skills to choose the best possible route for themselves when they leave Winterton Community Academy. This means enabling every child to develop a comprehensive understanding of the big picture of science and leave school with the science capital required to inform their decision-making throughout their lives. £1,050. Winterton Community Academy is a Mixed Secondary school with pupils aged from 11 to 16 Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. Our goal is to equip our students with the necessary skills to adapt to an ever-changing economic climate, inspiring them to become life-long career learners. the working day at the academy. Careers Education is delivered through tutorial and through the curriculum. The School Day. Students can gain access to the academy site in the morning from 08. A flexible approach is taken to meeting a student’s needs on an individual basis. The school meets the requirements of the provider access legislation, which requires schools to provide pupils in Years 8 to 13 with information and engagement about Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the centre’s exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy. Within our subject we aim to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong We have high expectations at Winterton Community Academy and we want the best possible outcomes for all students. In addition, standardised assessments (Cognitive Ability Tests, Reading assessments and a Pupil Attitude to Self and Academy [PASS]) are conducted to provide invaluable information and data about each individual pupil. In Years 10 and 11, all pupils in the academy currently study a core curriculum: GCSE English Language; GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Science (Separates- Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Trilogy/Combined Science) Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. Pupil Premium per pupil. Year 9 – Household budgeting In order to maximise the use of our facilities and resource and broaden our community involvement Winterton Community Academy has established a programme of letting our accommodation. Closed May Day Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May 2025. uk Good Friday – 18th April 2025 Easter Monday – 21st April 2025 . “Academy Financial Year” means the academic year from 1st of September to 31st of August of the following year; d. uk The data below illustrates the relative successes of our pupils compared to both local and national averages. Disadvantaged Pupils. uk The Science Mastery programme intends to aim to improve opportunities for all young people. The course is offered as an ‘option’ for a KS4 course meaning students will opt to study this in Year 9 ready for a Year 10 start, following a two year curriculum. “the Academy Trust” means the company intended to be regulated by these Articles and referred to in Article 2; e. “The Academy” means the school referred to in Article 4a and operated by the Academy Trust c. We are proud of our results, whereby the percentage of students achieving a standard pass in Maths and English and those achieving a strong pass in Maths and English compared well within the local context. Through the Art education we aim to broaden our pupils’ emotional and multicultural awareness, developing values and building respect and tolerance through Art and the study of The School Day. uk Winterton Community Academy is committed to maximising educational opportunities and achievement for all students. com Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref: PE/Lessons-Kitletter2023/tp 4th December 2023 Dear Parent / Guardian, PE LESSONS AND PE KIT 2023 Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 Fax: (01724) 733051 The aim of Careers Education at Winterton Community Academy is to provide students with the information and skills to choose the best possible route for themselves when they leave Winterton Community Academy. The 61-year-old victim's wounds are non-life A 16-year-old schoolgirl has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a 61-year-old welfare officer was stabbed at Winterton Community Academy in North We look at the incident at Winterton Community Academy which left one staff member seriously injured and a girl, 16, accused of attempted murder. uk Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca. To ensure our students and staff are kept safe we have a number of policies and procedures in place, which are understood and followed by all staff, governors and volunteers. 30 hours, a total of 6 hours 40 minutes in each each day. uk Safeguarding at Winterton Community Academy Safeguarding is at the forefront of our work at Winterton Community Academy. uk Academy Admissions Applying for a place in 2024-2025 Details of how and when to apply, and how places will be offered, are in the “Determined Coordinated Admissions Scheme for Secondary Schools in the area of North Lincolnshire Council for the academic year 2025-26. uk At Winterton Community Academy, Year 9 pupils begin to explore their Key Stage 4 curriculum in the Spring term. GREEN: 9 7% or above – this is what we are aiming for and means that students are attending at least 185 out of 190 days of learning. 2 attainment 8 score. At Winterton Community Academy, the National Curriculum is at the heart of our Design and Technology programme of study. Driven by the belief that we will be Outstanding. The Performing Arts Curriculum at Winterton Community Academy aims to inspire imagination, encourage positive group work and develop an understanding of the Performing Arts Industry. RED: Below 90% – this is a huge concern and means that over 19 days of learning have been lost over the course of the year. uk Here at Winterton Community Academy, we believe that Parent’s Evenings are an important part of our students’ school life. Therefore recognising that when pupils attend Winterton Community Academy on a daily basis, they are provided with an education that prepares them for the next stage of their Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. 1% English not first language. Winterton Community Academy Equality and Diversity Policy 1. As At Winterton Community Academy, we believe that our Relationship,Sex and Health Education (RSHE), Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural (SMSC) provision contribute to a positive and tolerant culture in our community. We would like to thank you for your ongoing support with The course is taught via 3 lessons per week. Spring Bank Holiday – Monday 26th May 2025 Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. We believe in recognising all achievements, both academic and beyond, providing an inclusive learning environment which meets the needs of all our A channel for Winterton Community Academy Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca. Top 27%. com Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref: KR/ AW/dressdownday 24th April, 2023 Be Unique Day – 3rd May 2023 Dear Parents and Carers, Here at Winterton Community Academy, we believe that Parent’s Evenings are an important part of our students’ school life. 42 percent of students got a grade 5 or above in Maths and English and 55 percent of students got 5 or more GCSEs at grade 9-4 (A-C). Ofsted Report. These are in place to support the PSHE curriculum. Winterton Academy has a variety of spaces available to hire. By providing an opportunity for direct discussion between parents/carers and teachers, we aim to ensure that parents/carers are aware of their child’s attainment and progress, and that teachers are aware of parent’s/carer’s concerns, questions Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 Fax: (01724) 733051 email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. 1,657 likes · 727 were here. Students at Winterton Community Academy learn about key decisions in History that have shaped how our country is governed, we study world history which helps us to understand some of the problems in today's society. Categories Schools, Types of school, Secondary schools What is Offered. uk Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. . • To ensure the safety of Winterton Community Academy as an examination centre. com. 50 and finishes at 15. Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca. co. This exam policy will be reviewed annually. uk the working day at the academy. Overview; Performance; State secondary school. Financials, Credit Activity, Owners, and more Completely understand the businesses you work with. Winterton Community Academy | Scunthorpe At Winterton Community Academy we understand that the curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. We are very much a community school with an ethos which highlights our commitment to meeting the wide range of needs and challenges for young people growing up in a modern society. wintertonca. Click here for School Council Academy Admissions Applying for a place in 2024-2025 Details of how and when to apply, and how places will be offered, are in the “Determined Coordinated Admissions Scheme for Secondary Schools in the area of North Lincolnshire Council for the academic year 2025-26. Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. It is developed further at Key Stage 4 when all students will About Winterton Community Academy Other Information Comprehensive academy for ages 11 to 16. What we like about this school. Looked-after Children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is the care of, or provided accommodation by, an English local authority Winterton Community Academy’s Career Leader, Mrs Dalowsky, works closely with teaching and pastoral staff to deliver the programme, which is tailored to meet individual pupils needs. We recognise that in order to develop the whole child we must provide opportunities and experiences that build their confidence and resilience, that develop and nurture talents and provide experiences that allow pupils to develop into positive members of Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. YELLOW: Over 95% – things can get better. uk Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands IMPORTANT: Attendance & Punctuality Matter October 13th 2022 Dear Parent / Carer, The intent of our curriculum is to ensure that all pupils attending Winterton Community Academy are safe, happy and successful. 64% Math pass rate Top 20% nationwide. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps Winterton Community Academy is the only member of the Winterton Community Academy trust. © 2025 nb development. Additional visits for specific pupils are also encouraged to enhance the transition experience. Topics covered are: Year 7 – Savvy shopping. The course is designed to promote various elements Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca. Winterton Community Academy Complaints Policy and Procedure Introduction Good relationships between schools, families and communities are important in supporting pupils to succeed, in terms of their social and emotional well-being and meeting or exceeding their predicted outcomes in academic achievement. Our intent is to design a curriculum, which is carefully mapped to provide pupils with the skills and knowledge. Pupils in years 7-11 recorded as receiving Free School Meals in the last six years. uk Winterton Community Academy is a mutual company. In Years 10 and 11, all pupils in the academy currently study a core curriculum: GCSE English Language; GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Science (Separates- Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Trilogy/Combined Science) Winterton Community Academy, Scunthorpe. com Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref: term dates/ RFE/ AW 19th April 2023 Dear Parent / Carer, As we approach the next busy stage for the academy, with our Year 11 pupils preparing for the summer At Winterton Community Academy we understand that the curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. 00 hours until the gates close at 08:50 hours. com Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref: AW/Prom 14th December, 2022 Dear Parents / carers, We are raising funds for the Year 11 Prom to be held early in July 2023. uk b. Through the Art education we aim to broaden our pupils’ emotional and multicultural awareness, developing values and building respect and tolerance through Art and the study of Our Art curriculum is underpinned by the academy’s values of respect, hard-work and positivity. The court heard Burkill Prosecutor Rebecca Dolby said Winterton Community Academy welfare officer Joy Simon, 61, had been stabbed and suffered life-changing injuries in Monday's incident, which Cops are quizzing the 16-year-old after a welfare officer at Winterton Community Academy in North Lincolnshire suffered serious stab wounds. This equates to 10 days of learning missed per year. We explore what makes this country unique through geographical concepts and ideas and we learn about physical and human geography Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. Elisha Burkill attacked Joy Simon, 61, in an office at Winterton Community Academy, near Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, in September last year. We pride ourselves on delivering a curriculum which develops students The course is taught via 3 lessons per week. com When pupils join the academy, either in year 7 or as an in-year transfer, we conduct a reading test to All students at Winterton Community Academy participate in 5 Economic Wellbeing workshops throughout their time at Winterton all delivered by external agencies and experts from HSBC. Death notices and funeral Click here for After School Activities. uk Headteacher – Mr K Rowlands Ref:O/LD/Yr11keydates/jsn 31st March 2021 Dear Parent/Guardian, I hope this communication A 16-year-old girl vowed to "go out with a bang in Year 11" before almost stabbing a welfare officer to death has been in an office at Winterton Community Academy, near Scunthorpe Address: Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD Telephone: 01724 732777 Email: reception@wintertoncommunityacademy. All rights reserved. uk School Ratings for Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD For it's latest set of GCSE results it scored an 46. This Login. This exam policy will be reviewed by the Head of Centre and the Exams Officer. Year 8 – Gaming for Goods. A woman The victim, a 61-year-old woman, suffered non-life threatening wounds in the alleged attack just before 9am on Monday at Winterton Community Academy. Good. uk In addition to the above data, it is important to recognise that those pupils in the 2024 cohort who had attendance of 95% or above were able to make significant progress and achieve positive outcomes. Our curriculum intends to provide our pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to become educated citizens. At Winterton Community Academy, Year 9 pupils begin to explore their Key Stage 4 curriculum in the Spring term. The school does not use alternative provision. At Winterton Community Academy children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, will be appropriately supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential. For students to gain the best from their time at Winterton Community Academy, it is vital that they achieve excellent attendance and punctuality. What started as a A 16-year-old girl who stabbed a school support worker at Winterton Academy last September has been sentenced to 12 years detention. Elisha Burkill was sentenced at Hull A 16-year-old girl has appeared in court charged with the attempted murder of a welfare officer who was stabbed at a school. CONTEXT The legal and local framework for this policy is • Children Act 2004 • Equality Act 2010 • Education and Inspections Act 2006 • Duty to Promote Community Cohesion within the Here Winterton Community Academy, Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9QD, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area. uk Our Art curriculum is underpinned by the academy’s values of respect, hard-work and positivity. This is highlighted through our mission to do all that we can to ensure that students attending our school are safe, happy and successful. We recognise that in order to develop the whole child we must provide opportunities and experiences that The overarching intent for English is to promote a love of subject: English Language and English Literature. Age groups Looks after children aged between 11 years 0 months and 16 years 0 months Costs and Availability Winterton Community Academy Newport Drive, Winterton, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9QD Telephone: (01724) 732777 email: reception@wintertonca.