Tarantula web hypixel wiki. It attacks the player, dealing … .

Tarantula web hypixel wiki The Terminator is a ranged weapon, capable of hitting Enderman. However, in order to make most things, you need a good amount of Fried Frozen Chicken is an EPIC Accessory. Every 10 seconds, it will launch all nearby players on the ground into the air, dealing 2,400 Damage. It attacks the player, dealing . August 2nd, 2019 The End Release Buffed the Stats from 1,400 -> 1,600 Health. The Spider Talisman reduces the damage taken from Silverfishes, Spiders and Cave Spiders when stored in the inventory or Accessory The Spider Artifact is an EPIC Accessory from the Spider Slayer. net Click to Copy! Home Games Leaderboards Forums New posts Search forums Wiki Server Rules Hi guys! I just wanted to let you guys know on how to make a farm that produces ~5,000,000 coins a day. They have 10,000 Goodevening, I would like to ask a question about the tarantula pet's drop. The Pages in category "Item" The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 806 total. Players must reach Enderman Slayer VII to be able to use this weapon. It is the upgraded form of the Spider Ring. Location The [Lv120] Tarantula Vermin can be spawned on any public island containing Spiders. Add a new minboss, the Abomination 4 Tarantula Web Right-click to view recipes! UNCOMMON Recluse Fang Damage: +120 Strength: +30 Crit Damage: +20% Gain +30 Combat Wisdom against Spiders. The Tarantula Talisman can be obtained as a 9Pray I have 40 Tarantula Web on me but I can't view the recipe is there any way to fix this, Note: I have tried giving it to another individual and back aswell as logging out etc. Even though it is usable at Spider Slayer LVL IV, crafting the Tarantula Chestplate and Tarantula Helmet requires Spider Slayer LVL V. Bei Erreichen von Stufe 5 erhält der Spieler einen Diener gratis. It is agile, able to move quickly, climb walls and jump huge distances. Location Dozens of [Lv80] Flaming Spiders can be found throughout the Burning Desert, directly outside of Dragontail on the Crimson Isle. Right-click to view recipes! Lv6-Lv7 - 80,000 divided by 500 = 160 kills (not enough for tarantula talisman, unless you are stupid lucky) 1 Tier 4 drops 52-64 web, averaging 58 webs per boss. Toxic Web: Occasionally throws a web, touching it inflicts Poison and deals 2000 DPS (doesnt affect players which boss isn't aggro to), which lasts up to 20 seconds and reduces First, stats and drops: The Arachnid Recluse (boss name idea), has two extra abilities from the T4, and more health. They also pose a greater threat to the player and give more Combat EXP upon death. The key to defeating a tarantula is easy. The Mutant Tarantula has The Tarantula Pet is a Combat Pet. It has has 3 rarities, EPIC, LEGENDARY, and MYTHIC. It is an agile Spider. The sack's capacity applies to each type of item that the sack holds. It is, after all, the second slayer, and thus logical to be one of the next ones to gain a T5 slayer. Usage Secret Full Set Bonus In addition to all the Video Link: tl:dr of video Basically if you want to fight T3s, it’s pretty simple • ⁠3/4 Dragon Armor + Spider Hat + Radiant Orb Or • ⁠Superior Armor/Perfect 12 Or • ⁠Tarantula Armor To fight T4s • ⁠3/4 Dragon Armor + Spider Hat + Mana Flux/Pots Or • ⁠Superior Dragon I have 40 Tarantula Web on me but I can't view the recipe is there any way to fix this, Note: I have tried giving it to another individual and back aswell as logging out etc. Behavior The [Lv120] Tarantula Vermin sits idly until it spots a player. It tries to jump towards players, dealing 360 The Tarantula Beast is a Tarantula Broodfather 5Mini-Boss that spawns rarely when a player doing the Tarantula Broodfather Tier IV quest kills a Spider. When upgrading Pets through Kat the pet will keep all of its Pet Experience. Requires 8x The Spider Minion is a Combat Minion unlocked from String Collection I. Ability: Squash 'em Squash Spiders to accumulate strength against them. The wiki say in the intro "The Tarantula Pet is a combat pet that can be dropped rarely from Voracious Spiders and the Brood Mother" . The Atoned Revnant has 2. Tarantula Vermin is a Slayer 5Mini-Boss for the Spider Slayer. When this happens, an explosion effect takes place, and the Atoned Champion will spawn. The following Mobs experience towards completing an active Spider Slayer quest. Fandom Wiki Skyblock. Upon reaching level 5, the player receives one minion for free. 200 x 58 = 11,600 webs 11,600 divided by 64 = 181. Location [Lv45-125] Cellar Spiders are found throughout some rooms in every floor of the Catacombs and Master Catacombs Dungeon. It spawns rarely when a player kills a Spider while a Tarantula Broodfather Tier III+ Slayer quest is active. You need to reach Spider Slayer 4 for the leggings and boots, and Spider Slayer 5 for the helmet and chestplate. The Small Slayer Sack can hold 2,240 of each item, the Medium Slayer Sack can hold 6,720 of each item, and the Large Slayer Sack can hold 20,160 of each item. 2K combat XP. 13,056 Tarantula Web 3,264 Enchanted Flint [] 522,240 Flint 1 Fly Swatter Usage This item can be used as a Minion upgrade. Obtaining materials using minions [] To upgrade a Spider Ring to a Spider Artifact, 32x Tarantula Silk and 32x Enchanted Emeralds are needed. 11 Added the Luxurious Spool to loot table at a 100% chance for 1 and 50% chance for 2. It has the appearance of a cave spider riding a spider. Some of the listed mobs appear at random only if the player has a higher tier slayer quest. Usage Reduces the damage taken from Silverfish , Spiders and Cave Spiders by 5%. This is one of the few items part of two sets; both the Tarantula Armor set and the "secret" Monster Raider Armor set. They are weak mobs that spawn in groups above doorways in some rooms, usually near a secret. It is unlocked at Spider Slayer LVL II. Tarantula Talisman - RNG drop from Tarantula Broodfather. The drop from Arachne is not affected by Magic Find or Pet Luck . Tarantula Silk is obtained by crafting 128 Tarantula Web with 32 Enchanted Flint after unlocking Spider Slayer 2. 64 Enchanted Glacite Brewing Ingredient Collection Item RARE DWARVEN METAL 64 Fried Feather A greasy feather, somehow still in one piece despite having been doused in boiling-hot lava. The chances of spawning one can be increased by the Combat XP multiplier, which can be increased by the Slayer combat No one wants it lmao The Atoned Champion is a Slayer 5Mini-Boss for the Zombie Slayer. If it is not already present in the Module, you can add the following code to the data Module: ["juicy healing melon"] = { exists = true, stats = { }, }, See Template:ItemInfo for The Maddox Badphone is a RARE item used to instantly contact Maddox the Slayer (Rift) remotely. Tier III: 0. In fact, this minion can be seen as a feature of Hypixel Skyblock and the cause of its economic collapse. 32 Tarantula Web UNCOMMON Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. December 3rd, 2019 Minor Patch Fixed Infinite Quiver stealing Scorpion Bow and Mosquito Bow shots December 17th, 2019 0. Er lässt String, Spinnenauges und Eisenbarrens fallen. Tarantula Silk is a RARE Slayer item, used as an upgraded form of Tarantula Web to craft higher-level items. Tarantula Spider is a type of Mob that can generated from Tarantula Minions. Sie spawnen härtere Versionen von Spinnen, die Spider slayer might be the most worthless slayer currently in the game, so let's change that and also add some interesting thematic things in the process. Tarantula Armor - Armor designed for Spider Slayer. The Tarantula Minion spawns a [Lv45] Tarantula Spider which, when killed by a player or the minion, drops the following items: The tier I Tarantula Minion can be The Tarantula Pet can be obtained from different types of Spiders in the Spider's Den. 08% (1x) Tier IV: 0. It is one of four pets obtained from mobs used in slayer quests, with the other three being the Hound Pet, Ghoul Pet, and the Enderman Pet. They can be started by speaking to Maddox the Slayer in the Tavern in the Hub. The Tarantula Webs cannot The Tarantula Talisman is an EPIC Accessory that makes it so every 10th melee hit on the same enemy deals +10% damage. It drops String, Spider Eyes, and Iron Ingots. 11. The helmet is commonly used 64 Tarantula Silk RARE Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. 5 Damage increased from 201 to 251. Usage The Slayer Sacks can store the items listed below. This set requires you to reach more than one Slayer Level in order to craft all the pieces. The Slayer Sacks are Item Sacks unlocked from Zombie Slayer, Spider Slayer and Wolf Slayer rewards. The helmet is commonly used Tarantula Armor is an EPIC Armor set unlocked at Spider Slayer LVL IV. However due to the scaling EXP needed the pet will lose some Pet Levels depending on the new rarity. The Tarantula Pet can drop from Spider Mobs listed below: calcname = Pet Query Tool calcpage = Calculator:Pet Level Stats template = Usage The Recluse Fang has the following passive abilities: Gain 30 Combat Wisdom against Spiders. most of the minions [1] It is placed in the center of a flat square of 5 squares in length. Digested Mosquito LEGENDARY 64 Tarantula Silk RARE Mosquito Bow Damage: +251 Strength: +151 Crit Damage: +39% Vitality: +20 Costs Spider Slayer is a Slayer Quest that involves killing Spiders and at the end the Tarantula Broodfather. Reduced the amount of Null Blades in the recipe from 6-> 4, and added 1 Judgement Core to the recipe. The chances of spawning one can be increased by the Combat XP multiplier, which can be increased by the Slayer combat multiplier, Viking's Tear Potions, Weaver Spiders are a type of Mob that can be found in the Spider's Den. It has a small chance to be spawned when a player with an active Revenant Horror Tier V Quest kills a Zombie, a Zombie based Sea Creature, or Crypt Ghoul. Additionally, certain Mini-Bosses will randomly spawn when one of the above mobs is killed with a Spider Slayer quest active, which grant large amounts of Combat XP. The others are Obsidian Chestplate, Squid Boots, Bat Person Armor, Shadow Assassin Armor and Rancher's Boots. Usage Reduces the damage taken from Spiders and Cave Spiders by 15%. The Spider Sword is a COMMON Sword that is either purchased from the Weaponsmith or can be crafted. After that, under the voice "How to Monster Raider Armor is a set of RARE and EPIC Armor. Experience The Mobs listed below give experience towards completing an active Spider Slayer quest. 64x Tarantula Web 32 32 Usage [] Spider Artifact [] The following recipe can be used to upgrade the Spider Ring to the Spider Artifact, which requires Spider Slayer The Wiki Tiki is a type of Sea Creature that can only be fished in the ⏣ Backwater Bayou and inside a Hotspot. Location The [Lv3] Weaver Spider is found in parts of the the Spider Mound in the Spider's Den. The Maddox Badphone can be used to call Maddox the Slayer (Rift) from anywhere in the Rift. Spider Minion I Place this minion and it will start generating and slaying Spiders! Minions also work when you are offline! Time Between Actions: 26sMax Storage: 128Resources Generated: 0 black cat gives magic find, but the tara pet is the best for Taras because it makes them spawn incredibly fast next time please refrain from posting on a two month old thread, thank you The Atoned Revenant is a Slayer 5Mini-Boss for the Zombie Slayer. tryna get the scorpion, but I dont see the webs when I search "Web. Prevents your minions from getting distracted by flies. The Tarantula Talisman can be obtained as a 9Pray RNGesus(<1%) drop from any Tarantula Broodfather of Tier III or higher after reaching Spider Slayer LVL VI. T5 has 16M health, gives 2000 slayer XP, and costs 4600 XP to spawn. Usage Every 10th melee hit on the same enemy deals +10% damage. It's used to make a few things, one of them being Tarantula Silk. Tarantula Web - A material used to craft a variety for Spider Slayer items, dropped from Tarantula Broodfather. (previous page) (next page) Cellar Spiders are a weak type of Cave Spider that can be found in the Catacombs Dungeon. Tarantula can refer to a variety of topics: Tarantula Broodfather - A boss with multiple tiers from Spider Slayer. bz 1 Hour 1 Day 1 Week All Time Avg Sell Price: 0 Coins Avg Buy Price: 0 Coins Notify Share Similar items The Slayer Sack is a Sack unlocked in Slayer. While some mobs are much tougher, Tarantula Broodmother Section : So me (currently #560 in Tarantula Broodfathers) and alot of others who grind Tarantula Broodfathers are in excess of Tarantula Web. 7. It deals melee damage. Obtaining The Tarantula Armor set can be crafted with 832 Enchanted Iron, 14 Tarantula Silk, 1 Spider's Boots and 1 Spider Catalyst. Upgrading This item can use 6,144 Tarantula Web 1,536 Enchanted Flint [] 245,760 Flint 32 Enchanted Gold [] 5,120 Gold Ingot Usage The Scorpion Bow's ability Stinger can be activated by sneaking when the bow is fully charged. All Tarantula 3,072 Tarantula Web 768 Enchanted Flint [] 122,880 Flint 128 Enchanted Acacia Wood [] 20,480 Acacia Wood 1 Stick Usage The Scorpion Foil's ability Heartstopper can be activated by right-clicking. Using a Fake Neuroscience Degree Spider Slayer is a Slayer Quest that involves slaying Spiders and defeating the Tarantula Broodfather. Tarantula Silk - A material used to craft a Tarantula Bloodroyal HP: 10,000,000 DPS: 2,800 Abilities Frighten: Occasionally inflicts Blindness upon players (every 6-8 seconds and lasts for 2 seconds) and usually teleports around. Ability Damage changed from +9% to +19%. 17% (1x) Tarantula Talisman can be salvaged for 50x Spider The Tarantula Talisman is an EPIC Accessory from the Spider Slayer. Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss Spider Slayer is a Slayer Quest that involves slaying Spiders and defeating the Tarantula Broodfather. The Tarantula Broodfather is a Spider-type mob hostile to all players. It also When I have the webs in my hotbar and rightclick nothing happens. It has 8. 32 Tarantula Web UNCOMMON 32 Enchanted Flint UNCOMMON 32 Tarantula Web UNCOMMON Tarantula Silk RARE Quick Crafting Slot The Tarantula Broodfather is a Slayer 6BOSS in the Spider Slayer branch. It attacks the player, Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft Server Networks in the world, featuring original games such as The Walls, Mega Walls, Blitz Survival Games, and many more! Ive been using a 8 player coop tarantula minions setup. They spawn tougher versions of Spiders called Tarantula Spiders. Drops are rolled from this loot pool if a player has assisted in killing a mob and successfully Loot Shares. " im too bad to do more than t2 tarantula Log in Register Play Now Server IP » mc. July 1st, 2020 0. All you have to do is disable placing enchanted objects in skyblock addons The Terminator is a LEGENDARY Bow that can be obtained via Crafting. A Tier II Revenant Horror must be slain to unlock Spider Slayer. 22 Hermit Crab Pet Added. The raw materials for this are 4,096x Tarantula Webs, 163,840x Flint, and 5,120x Emeralds. Welcome to the official Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki! This is a Hypixel-led, community-maintained Wiki for Hypixel SkyBlock. hi forumers ive got another question According to the wiki the tarantulas that a tarantula minion spawns drop 2-5 string The Tarantula Minion spawns a [Lv45] Tarantula Spider which, when killed by a player or the minion, drops the following items: Item(s) Harvest Skill XP NPC Sell Price Der Tarantula Minion ist ein Slayer Minion, der freigeschaltet wird, wenn der Spieler Stufe 5 im Spinnentöter-Zweig erreicht. They are a higher level variety of Spider. 5 Added an Achievement for killing a Brood Mother. The Mobs listed below give experience towards completing an active Spider What’s the price of Tarantula Web in Skyblock? Is Tarantula Web soulbound? Can I sell Tarantula Web to NPC? Tarantula Web is a 100% drop from Tarantula Broodfathers, the amount that can be obtained depends on the tier of the boss killed, and is as follows: Tarantula Web can be used to craft Tarantula Silk, a Spider Ring, Recluse Fang, and The Spider Catalyst is a drop obtained from slaying the Tarantula Broodfather. Last thing you want before this thing is ready is a collection system. It is one of the best minions to use in terms of A minion is an entity that automatically mines, gathers, logs, and hunts. When this happens, an explosion effect takes place and the Mutant Tarantula spawns. The Flaming Spider is a type of Mob found on the Crimson Isle. The Atoned Champion has 600,000 . It has 25M and deals 7400 Damage. While other parts of the secret set are technically in two sets, they're both just different versions of the Monster Armor Is the tarantula helmet still better to use on a necron set than the necron helmet, bc I saw a post about it but it was 3 years old? About Us Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now one of the largest and highest quality Kat Leveling Cost The Spider Pet can have its rarity upgraded from COMMON all the way up to MYTHIC by Kat. The Tarantula Talisman deals bonus damage on each 10th hit, as long as it's stored in the inventory or Accessory Bag. They are a higher-level variety of Spider, intended to be used for Spider Slayer. Our goal is to provide the most accurate information in the SkyBlock Prototype May 31st, 2021 0. Mutant Tarantulas spawn rarely during Tarantula Broodfather Tier IV quests when the player kills a Spider-type mob. The player can only view the Vampire Slayer branch with the Badphone, similarly to Maddox's interface. I logged my alt accounts in and they Behavior The [Lv100] Dragon Protector attacks all nearby players by swinging its arms and tossing players into the air dealing immense amounts of Damage. Going against tier 2s The Voidling Radical is a Enderman Slayer 5Mini-Boss that has a small chance to be spawned when a player with an active Voidgloom Seraph Tier IV Quest kills an Enderman. The Spider Catalyst can be used in the crafting recipes for Recluse Fang and Tarantula Boots. 5 trantula =225, yes. 10 Tarantula Web UNCOMMON Tarantula Minion I Place this minion and it will start generating and squashing Tarantulas! Minions also work when you are offline! Time Between Action: 29s Max Storage: 64 Resources Generated: 0 Quick Crafting Slot 10 10 Trivia [] The Tarantula Armor is one of 6 armor pieces which have the darkest color with a hex color code of #000000. It requires for the alt account to be logged out in the hub, so they can claim the combat exp from the tarantula minions when they join the island. 2 Mosquito Bow Added. Spider The Tarantula Talisman is an EPIC Accessory that makes it so every 10th melee hit on the same enemy deals +10% damage. However, now that Diana is the Major for 6 hours. It has 3 sizes, each size increases the number of items it can hold. Mini-Bosses are stronger variants of Mobs in their area. Home Random Recent changes Special pages Preferences SkyBlock Collections Minions Fairy Souls Skills NPCs Events Stats Slayer Bows SkyBlock Prototype October 10th, 2019 0. Bonus: +0 you don't just need tarantula web you also need flint MinecraftCookie123465 Active Member Boshh AntiGamingChairSociety Guild Master Joined Aug 24, 2019 Messages 177 Tarantula Boots are an EPIC pair of Boots that are part of the Tarantula Armor set, and are unlocked through getting Spider Slayer LVL IV. Overview Mini-Bosses are types of Mobs that are tougher and stronger than the regular Mobs that can be found in the location around them. Behavior The [Lv80] Flaming Spider runs towards and attacks very close by players, damaging and knocking them back on impact. depending on the new rarity. 25 (181) stacks of tarantula web. sits idly until it spots a player. Minions are small humanoids that are 1 square high. Deals +100% more damage to Silverfish, Spiders and Cave Spiders. it's because now it's multiplicative, if a spider gave you 100 xp and you added 100% wisdom (50% tarantula + 50% other), you would get 200 xp, now you would get (100 + 50% other) x 1. If the player is near a Tarantula Beast, it will jump towards them and deal 1000 Damage. Each stack of Usually I just oneshot each spider then empty before more spawn, but you can make the spiders fall and build a bridge to the minion or access it from top/below (below would probably be clicking through a glass pane) You can also put a block right above the Joined Jul 4, 2018 Messages 1,316 Reaction score 315 Alpha Hypixel Network March 12th, 2025 Backwater Bayou Hermit Crab Pet Added. The Tarantula Minion is a Slayer Minion unlocked when the player reaches level 5 in the Spider Slayer branch. The Tarantula Boots is also part of the secret Monster The Titanoboa is a type of Sea Creature that can only be fished in the Backwater Bayou. When this happens, an explosion effect takes place and the Tarantula Beast spawns. It has 144k . The main thing you have to do is to disable its mobility, as if it has the opportunity to pounce behind you, you’re screwed. This is hard for me to describe in words but there are many ways you can make hoppers leading in to chests which I The Voidling Devotee is a Voidgloom Seraph / Enderman Slayer 5Mini-Boss that has a small chance to be spawned when a player with an active Voidgloom Seraph Tier III Quest kills an Enderman. The Tarantula Vermin has 54000 Health. The Mutant Tarantula is a 5Mini-Boss which spawns very rarely when a player doing the Tarantula Broodfather Tier IV quest kills a spider. [Lv10-770] Tarantula Broodfather 750-2,400,000 Health 35-530 Damage Tarantula Web Toxic Arrow Poison Bane of Arthropods VI Book Bite Rune Spider Catalyst Digested Mosquito Fly Swatter Tarantula Talisman Brick Red Dye 50-500 Combat XP 1 Coin 1-6 [] The Tarantula Minion is a Slayer Minion unlocked when the player reaches level 5 in the Spider Slayer branch. Obtaining The Spider Talisman is a guaranteed drop from the Broodmother Mini-Boss that is located at the top of the Spider Mound in the Spider's Den. When this happens, an explosion effect takes place, and the Tarantula Vermin spawns in the spot in which the spider was killed. The [Lv42-50] Weaver Spider can be found throughout Arachne's Burrow and Arachne's Sanctuary. Bonus: +0 +1 strength per 40 squashed Upgrading Tarantula Vermin is a Slayer Mini-Boss, that can spawn when gaining Combat XP to summon a Tarantula Broodfather III. Er ist einer der besten Diener, wenn es darum geht, Geld zu verdienen. 5 Terminator Added. Often, it will change targets to other nearby players. July 2nd, 2019 0. History v e SkyBlock Prototype March 18th, 2025 0. It is a shortbow, meaning it fires arrows instantly It is recommended to use data located at Module:ItemInfo/Item Data for this template. June 3rd, 2021 Minor Patch Reduced Damage from 335-> 310. The Spider Artifact reduces the damage taken from Spiders and Cave Spiders when stored in the inventory or Accessory Bag. is a buff Hypixel Store We work very hard to bring you Hey everyone! Here read it if you have trouble with tarantula. Is there some sort of level requirement? EDIT: I figured out the fix. It is one of the best minions to use in terms of money making potential. 4M Health and deals 5,000 Damage. A new miniboss is added, the Tarantula Widow, with 999K health, and dropping 1. Usage The Spider Sword has the following passive ability. Its recipe can be unlocked upon reaching Enderman Slayer VII. [Lv240] Titanoboa SkyBlock Prototype June 11th, 2019 SkyBlock Release Brood Mother Added. hypixel. Tarantula Silk can be used to craft Tarantula Armor, a Tarantula Minion V-XI, The Tarantula Minion is a Combat Minion unlocked from Spider Slayer V. When this happens, an explosion effect takes place, and the Atoned Revenant will spawn. The different sizes are unlocked at Zombie Slayer V, Spider Slayer VI, and Wolf Slayer VII. 4M . The set is one of the 3 current Secret Armor Sets and is comprised of the Skeleton's Helmet, Guardian Chestplate, Creeper Pants, and Tarantula Boots. v t e Pets Alchemy Jellyfish Spider Ring (unlock spider level 1, craft with spider talisman & 64 tarantula web) Red Claw Ring (unlock wolf level 5, craft with Red Claw Talisman & 32 enchanted leather & 8 golden teeth) Devour Ring (unlocked zombie level 5, craft with 39 revenant viscera & 8 enchanted raw salmon & 2 enchanted raw chicken) The Vegan Crawler is a type of Mob that can be found anywhere in SkyBlock during the Great Spook Event, which occurs during October. About Us Starting out as a YouTube channel making Minecraft Adventure Maps, Hypixel is now Trivia [] The Tarantula Armor is one of 6 armor pieces which have the darkest color with a hex color code of #000000. It fires arrows rapidly and has a unique ability. June 3rd, 2021 Minor Patch Slayer is a System of progression-based quests that involve killing a specific type of Mob, and killing various Mini-Bosses and BOSSES associated with that mob type. crxz qqjls lgg zalfmk rioeb gopnuv pijt lcivmiv owch eprp xtao epkehm sddz owwzov fqjf