Python pil exif 4w次,点赞13次,收藏50次。图片的exif文件格式中保存了很多信息,比如GPS经纬度,高度,焦距等信息。在图片的属性中可以看到这些信息:我们可以使用python来进行exif数据的读取和保存。1. jpg") >>> src. info. edit: I don't want to believe that the only way to do this is with some library (python-xmp-toolkit, pyexiv2, ) that needs Exempi and Boost. I am reading through some code I found on GitHub(see code extract below) relating to getting the Latitude and Longitude from EXIF using PIL. I am trying to save an image in Webp format with exif data. Python Pillow EXIF data not returning. png EXIF data (see citation above) print(im. Among the various types of metadata, Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data stands out as an 在数字摄影领域,EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)信息是指存储在图像文件中的元数据,包括相机型号、曝光时间、ISO值、曝光补偿等。Python提供了多种库来处理EXIF信息,以下是一篇详细的指南,教你如何使用Python轻松实现EXIF信息的写入与读取。 一、准备工作 在开始之前,请确保你已经安装了以下 Python 从 EXIF 数据中使用 PIL 获取照片拍摄的日期和时间 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Python中的PIL库从照片的EXIF数据中获取拍摄日期和时间。EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)是嵌入在数字图片文件中的元数据,其中包含拍摄照片的时间、相机型号、ISO感光度以及其他相关信息。 Abdeladim Fadheli · 3 min read · Updated apr 2024 · Ethical Hacking · Web Scraping · Digital Forensics Welcome! Meet our Python Code Assistant, your new coding buddy. Note that unlike pyexiv2 and most of the other packages that allow you to modify EXIF metadata, the pexif library is standalone and pure python, so it does not need to bind to any C libraries that may not be present on your machine. Since most of the browser doesn't understand this information, I want to rotate the image using this EXIF information and keeping every other EXIF information. My pictures are returning as PIL是Python中广泛使用的图像处理库,同时也支持读取和修改EXIF信息。首先,我们需要安装PIL库,可以使用`pip install pillow`进行安装。然后,通过以下代码读取和显示EXIF数据: ```python from PIL import 文章浏览阅读1. 0 documentation Pythonで画像分析を行う際、Exif情報の確認は重要です。Exif情報には、撮影日時、カメラのモデル、設定など、画像自体の内容以外に様々なメタデータが含まれています。これらの情報は、画像の品質評価や画像処理におけるパラメータ調整などに役立ちます。この記事では、Pythonの画像処理 Python PIL Exif_data 'IFDRational' object does not support indexing. 6. save(filename, "JPEG", exif = img_exif) But I cannot find out how to format the exif data properly, since they come in as dict type from exifread, but need to be in raw-string format or read-only-buffer for PIL. get ('exif', b '')[: 20] 'Exif\x00\x00II*\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x0f\x01\x02\x00' >>> This article explains how to extract EXIF data from photos using python. 휴대폰 및 디지털 카메라로 촬영한 이미지는 더욱 많은 정보를 가지고 있습니다. Let us consider an example By using the Python Imaging Library (PIL), we can easily extract date and time information from a photo’s EXIF data. ge how to easily read and modify EXIF data with 5 different Python libraries, ExifRead,exif,Pillow,piexif,PyExifTool libraries the friendly fork of PIL, allows for an intuitive I think the issue was because the image I was reading seemed not to have exif data in the first place, as opposed to the images taken using a mobile phone camera for instance, which the image I was reading apparently hasn't. If pillow is not installed, it should be 在Python中修改文件EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)数据,可以使用Pillow库(PIL的一个分支)和piexif库。首先,安装所需的库,读取图像文件、获取EXIF数据、修改EXIF数据、保存修改后的图像。 详细描述:安装所需的库,安装Pillow库和piexif库,以便读取和修改EXIF数据。 一. piexifにより、Exifの規格にのっとった非常に多くの情報を得ることができる。 公式 辞書の構造がPILと違っているの Parameters:. 6k次,点赞25次,收藏23次。本文介绍了使用Python的ExifRead、exif、Pillow、piexif和PyExifTool模块来读取、编辑和删除图像的EXIF元数据。这些方法覆盖了查看相机设置、GPS坐标等信息,并提供了删除敏感数据的示例。 はじめに. This information can be useful for organizing and sorting photos based on when they were taken, or for any In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss multiple methods to read EXIF data from images using the Pillow library, ExifRead, and other libraries. jpg image. . 그리고 디바이스별로 다양한 jpg버전의 지원유무도 차이가 있습니다. 1. python读取图像的exif信息import exifread功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的 from PIL import Image filename = 'path/to/img' im = Image. save. Added 36867 (DateTimeOriginal) to check if another DateTime was changeable, added 306 as it was shown when printing exif with the date that I am trying to use Python to resize picture. PIL是Python中广泛使用的图像处理库,同时也支持读取和修改EXIF信息。首先,我们需要安装PIL库,可以使用`pip install pillow`进行安装。然后,通过以下代码读取和显示EXIF数据: ```python from PIL import Python:完美解决PIL检测图片方向并进行旋转校正,Pillow库. 以下の4種の方法で、レンズ名を含む撮影情報の一覧化にトライした。 (1) Pythonライブラリ PIL (2) Pythonライブラリ Pyexiv2 (3) ExifTool. For example, batch process image metadata using a Python script. Python实战:解析JPEG文件并提取EXIF元数据信息 在数字摄影的时代,JPEG文件是最常见的图像格式之一。每一张JPEG图片不仅包含了视觉信息,还隐藏着大量关于拍摄条件、相机设置等的数据,这些数据被称为EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)元数据。通过解析这些元数据,我们可以获取到诸如拍摄时间 本文实例讲述了python通过pil模块获得图片exif信息的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。python的pil模块功能超级强大,不但可以用来处理图片也可以用来获取图片的exif数据。python通过pil模块获得图片exif信息的方法。希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计有所帮助。 本文将详细介绍5种使用Python查看、修改和删除EXIF数据的方法。 1. What do I do? Using C to create a file and write+read to it, what went wrong? Has Python PIL 설치 Python을 활용해서 이미지 exif를 확인하는 방법은 매우 다양했다. 4. python3-pilパッケージを入れて使います。 PILは Python Image Library なのでexifだけのものではない様です。 See also Exif manipulation library for python, which you linked, but didn't read all answers ;) Share. Based on my reading, it appears that PIL is a good choice for getting the information into Python. This function should not be used in application code. Reading PNG with PIL in Python. You could either use this program to make your thumbnails, or look at its source code to see how to do this in Python. Image. It is too heavy to build exif data by hand with only pillow, because exif data is a binary (of course!), its specification might be larger than you think, and pillow’s supports for it are not rich enough. 그리고 그 다양한 방법들 중 Python에서 제공하는 라이브러리를 쓰는 게 가장 안정적일 거 같다는 생각이 들어 PIL(Python Image Library) 라이브러리를 활용해보기로 했다. BICUBIC) → Image [source] ¶ Returns a rescaled image by a specific factor given in parameter. The EXIF library data also contain the location . Pythonで写真のExif情報を編集するためには、PIL (Pillow) というライブラリを使うことができます。 しかし、PILはExif情報の読み取りはできますが、書き込みはサポートしていません。そのため、Exif情報の書き込みにはpiexifというライブラリを使用することが一般的です。 1. By utilizing the PIL library and its ExifTags module, we can easily access and extract お前の写真は偽物だ!という疑念がわいた時、たいていスマホでとった写真にはExifデータがあるはず。Twitterなどで時系列が疑わしい写真を解析したり、そういうことに色々使えるんじゃないかなと 如何在Python中读取图像的EXIF 数据 以下是一个简单的示例代码,展示了如何打开一个图像文件并提取其 EXIF 数据。 from PIL import Image from PIL. 7. Toggle table of contents sidebar. Using PIL(Python Image Library) $ pip3 install image image 패키지를 사용합니다. Returns:. Two of these values are also exposed as You can use the _getexif() protected method of a PIL Image. The exif information handle a tag to ask the image viewer to rotate in a way or another. ExifTags import TAGS# 이미지 小結 . 각각의 패키지들 간에 장단점이 있겠지만 다룰 수 있는 메타항목들은 차이가 있습니다. Pillow (PIL Fork) 11. Modified 2 years, 5 months ago. 파이썬에서 Exif Tag 정보를 읽어 오는 방법입니다. When you open a jpg file in PIL, the Image object has an info attribute which is a dictionary. PIL功能非常强大,但API却非常简单易用. Pythonを使ってExif情報を一覧化してExcelファイルに出力するため、いくつかのライブラリ、ツールを試してみた。 まとめ. 7后不再支持Pillow是基于PIL模块Fork的一个派生分支,如今已经发展成为比PIL本身更具活力的图像处理库 1. I have had a look at PIL piexif pyexif, but I cannot seem to find a way to modify existing fields. This metadata Utilisation de la bibliothèque exif de Python pour extraire et modifier les métadonnées des fichiers d'images numériques Pour chaque photo, il y a plus qu'il n'y paraît. 사용 라이브러리(Using Python Image Library)pip3 install image방법 #1import PIL. I have created a JPEG using Python OpenCV, EXIF data being lost in the process and apparently not being able to be re-added when calling imwrite Keywords: Python, OpenCV, PIL, Pillow, EXIF, preserve, insert, copy, transfer, image, image processing, image-processing, dict, BytesIO, memory, in-memory, buffer. Python 用Python旋转包含在EXIF中规定方向的图像,不使用PIL库(包括缩略图) 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Python对包含在EXIF中指定方向的图像进行旋转,而不使用PIL库。EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format)是一种包含图像元数据的标准格式。图像的方向信息可以通过EXIF中的orientation标签进行指定。 phatch is a batch photo editor written in Python which can handle/preserve EXIF metadata. Hot Network Questions My lab partner is committing blatant plagiarism. image – The image to crop. nef' files for the purposes of automatically sorting files into folders based on the retrieved data. The only library required to extract the EXIF data is pillow library. Any help is highly appreciated! python3-exifパッケージになっています。 PILを使って全Exifデータを抽出. However, it has a method to do so: PIL. If you want the dictionary indexed by the actual EXIF Python has PIL library which makes the task of extracting metadata from an image extremely easy that too by using just a few lines. rar. I am running an example of reconstruct 3D object from images from here. 7 and pillow 7. 1w次,点赞12次,收藏62次。EXIF信息可交换图像文件格式(英语:Exchangeable image file format,官方简称Exif),是专门为数码相机的照片设定的,可以记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据。这是从以前的相机遗留下来的,现在手机、相机都会有这个信息,这个信息包括光圈、曝光度、GPS ##経緯 ・PythonのPillowライブラリを用いて、画像が持っている情報(撮影時刻、緯度経度などのメタ情報。いわゆるExif)を取り出したい。 ・Pillowの使い方について調べていたところ、検索ヒットした記事は、Exifの**"id"(2~5桁 我想要删除约百 G 图片中的一些信息,具体是:标题、主题、标记、备注、图像 ID。 虽然可以选中若干图片,属性 - 删除属性和个人信息,然后进行删除。 但是这种方式删除不了图像 ID,并且图片也不在同一个文件夹之中,因此还是要考虑写一个 Python 脚本来处理。 Python 如何读取图像的exif数据 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Python读取图像的exif数据。exif(Exchangeable Image File Format)是一种存储数字照片和摄像机拍摄信息的标准格式,它包含了拍摄设备、拍摄参数、拍摄日期等图片的元数据。Python提供了许多库和工具来处理图像和读取exif数据,下面我们将重点 Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme. extensions – A list of extensions used for this format. In the context of digital imaging, metadata plays a pivotal role in preserving the context and characteristics of an image. You can pass this byte string to the save method and Exifの取得方法の修正の前に、PILのバージョンを上げてタグの参照の仕方を少し変えました。 PIL 9. Method 1: Using Pillow’s This context discusses how to read a photograph's Exif data using Python and the Pillow library, focusing on a project that creates a module with a method called generate_exif_dict to process To extract EXIF data, we first need to open an image file using Pillow’s Image module, and then we can access the EXIF tags through the image’s info attribute. scale (image: Image, factor: float, resample: int = Resampling. You can try loading the image with the Python Image Lirbary (PIL) and then save it again to a different file. Python 에서 EXIF (EXchangeble Image file Format) 정보를 Building the exif tags by hand, and saving it¶. from PIL import Image from PIL. This should give you a dictionary indexed by EXIF numeric tags. IntEnum classes which provide constants and clear-text names for various well-known EXIF tags. The Python code is: from PIL import Image from PIL. Viewed 549 times 1 . Now I'd like to pass this exif-data to PIL when saving, e. With my camera, files are all written is landscape way. Let us consider an example where we read an image >>> from io import BytesIO >>> from PIL import Image >>> >>> src = Image. Imagefrom PIL. import os from PIL import Image, ExifTags from pillow_heif import I'm using some sample code trying to return the exif information from a sample . note: This answer works for Python2. exif_transpose(image) OpenCV automatically applies EXIF orientation when reading an image. 0. I read throught some of the source code and found a way to make sure that the exif data is saved with the thumbnail. I developed this package in 2018 as a hobby; however, I no longer have the same bandwidth to work on this project. Aside from Pillow and ExifRead, libraries like pyexiv2 and exif also provide functionalities for managing EXIF data efficiently:. 恐縮ですが前の記事からお読みください。 PillowでExif情報を遊ぶ ~辞書の復習を兼ねて~ piexifを使う. 7 - you can probably just swap Pillow for PIL in Python3, but I can't speak to that from experience. exif_dict['GPS'][piexif. PIL:Python Imaging Library,已经是Python平台事实上的图像处理标准库了. 1. Put the heic files in dir_of_interest before applying the function:. The Exif Python library allows for easy manipulation of EXIF data, especially useful for writing back changes. Supponsenly I have built libwebp with webpmux support, but even with that, I save the image but not exif data is in. That should remove the meta data. many thanks 파이썬에서 Exif Tag 읽어오는 소스디카에서 사진을 찍으면 찍은 날짜등 카메라 정보가 들어오는데 이미지 파일의 Exif Tag정보가 저장되어 있습니다. does anyone know of a way to maintain the EXIF metadata on the img. 在《【Python】基于 Windows 平台批量修改图片 EXIF 信息》这篇博客中,简单介绍了下在 Windows 平台,如何利用 python 对照片进行修改时间等 exif 信息,其中用到的第三方库是 win32file 和 pywintypes,这两个库只能在 Windows 平台中使用,换到 macOS 或 Linux 平台,就无法使用了,具有一定的局限性。 修改文件EXIF数据的基本方法包括:使用第三方库、直接编辑二进制数据、使用专用软件。推荐使用第三方库如Pillow、piexif、ExifTool。 EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)是存储在图像文件中的元数据,包含信息如拍摄时间、相机设置、地理位置等。在Python中,修改EXI Here is another solution to convert heic to jpg while keeping the metadata intact. 휴대폰, 카메라로 촬영한 이미지네은 EXIF 라고 하는 메타정보가 있습니다. 2. load() # Needed only for . Contribute to python-pillow/Pillow development by creating an account on GitHub. 在用PIL处理图片时,我们经常会遇到图片方向不正确的问题,尤其是从手机或相机中直接获取的图片。 文章浏览阅读2. 이 정보에는 이미지이름, 크기,촬영일시, 카메라 정보, GPS , 노출정보등 다양한 정보가 있습니다. Can someone help m 在Python中,你可以使用`Pillow`库(也称为`PIL`,全称是Python Imaging Library)来读取图像文件的EXIF信息。EXIF是Exchangeable Image File Format的缩写,包含了数码相机拍摄照片时的一些元数据,如时间、地点、镜头信息等。 Extracting date and time information from photo EXIF data using PIL in Python can be a useful feature for applications that deal with image metadata. 安装PIL 在Debian/Ubuntu Linux下直接通过apt安装: $ sudo apt-get install python-imaging Mac和其他版本的Linux可以直接使用easy_install或pip安装,安装前需要把编译环境装好: $ sudo easy_install PIL 如果安装失败,根据提示 PIL. 修改 Exif 可以做什麼事呢?通常會使用來修正拍照的時間 ( 當相機發生日期問題,照片時間錯亂 ),或在 Exif 裡加入自己的版權資訊,如果搭配 glob 函式庫,就能批次將 Exif 資訊加入大量的照片中。 How do I use Python's PIL library to get EXIF data from a photo starting with a hyperlink to the photo? 1. Image module. Image module of pillow is used to read/open the photo. EXIF python PIL return empty dictionary. Note. img. 4 主にPythonでのデータ分析に便利な知識や、趣味で解析した身近なデータについて書いていきます。 Alternative Methods. registered_extensions → dict [str, str] [source] ¶ python 으로 이미지의 exif 정보를 구해오는 3가지 방법을 정리해 보았습니다. register_extensions (id: str, extensions: list [str]) → None [source] ¶ Registers image extensions. A factor greater than 1 expands the image, between 0 and 1 contracts the image. Follow 要手动修改图片的EXIF信息,可以使用Python的PIL库(Pillow)来实现。以下是一个示例代码,演示如何使用PIL库修改图片的拍摄日期(DateTime)的EXIF信息:```pythonfr Python PIL Exif_data 'IFDRational' object does not support indexing. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago. The ExifTags module exposes several enum. ExifTags import TAGS def get_exif_data(image_path): # 打开图像文件 image = Image. La bibliothèque est basée sur la bibliothèque Pillow et fournit une gamme de fonctions de traitement et de manipulation d’images. The answer above using PIL to get exif is rather slow. An image. open(filename) im. 文章浏览阅读161次。要读写图片的 exif 数据,可以使用 Python 的 Pillow 库。下面是一个示例代码,可以读取图片的 exif 数据并将其写入到一个新的图片中: ```python. 背景. I've geotagged the full resolution images and now want to create lower resolution images for web hosting. You will probably need gexiv2 or pyexiv2 to write the tags to your thumbnails. open Python修改图片属性的详细信息的方法包括使用PIL库、ExifRead库、Piexif库。 这些库分别提供了强大的功能来读取、修改和保存图片的元数据信息。 下面我们将详细探讨如何使用这些库来实现修改图片属性的操作。 Note: I haven't done this myself yet, but to my knowledge, PIL only allows to read exif tags but cannot write them. 文章浏览阅读1. When I tries to get PIL(Pillow) で JPEG ファイルをオープンしたとき、EXIF の Orientation タグに値が設定されていても特に考慮されない。 Orientation タグに設定されている値に従った回転・フリップ処理を行った後のデータを生成する方法の実装例。 Pillow does not automatically apply EXIF orientation transformation when reading an image. g. Parameters: id – An image format identifier. Follow Add a comment | 8 . Exif 可交换图像文件格式(英语:Exchangeable image file format,官方简称Exif),是专门为数码相机的照片设定的文件格式,可以记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据 文章浏览阅读1. 1k次。本文实例讲述了python通过pil模块获得图片exif信息的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。python的pil模块功能超级强大,不但可以用来处理图片也可以用来获取图片的exif数据。python通过pil模块获得图片exif信息的方法。希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计 Python Python的Exif图像处理库 在本文中,我们将介绍Python中的Exif图像处理库。Exif是嵌入在数字图像文件中的元数据,它包含有关图像拍摄条件,如时间、位置、相机设置等的信息。通过使用Exif处理库,我们可以读取、修改和删除图像中的Exif数据,为我们的图像处理任务提供更多的灵 我们进行图片分类,做一些人工智能的项目或者利用Python来对图片进行分类,都可以利用到Exif信息。 什么是Exif? Exif是一种图像文件格式,实际上Exif格式就是在JPEG格式头部插入了数码照片的信息,包括拍摄时的光圈、快门、白平衡、ISO、焦距、日期时间等各种和拍摄条件以及相机品牌、型号 资源浏览阅读6次。EXIF数据是数码相机在图像文件中嵌入的元数据,包括了拍摄时间、相机型号、曝光参数等信息。PIL(Python Imaging Library)是一个用于处理图像的Python库,而Pillow是PIL的一个友好分支。本文档提供了一个示例代码,展示如何在Python中使用EXIF数据,并且提到了两个重要的库:ZerothIFD Méthode 1 : utiliser la bibliothèque de pil Conditions préalables : PIL : La bibliothèque Pil est une bibliothèque Python qui permet à l’utilisateur de créer, manipuler et convertir des images. 用 Python 读取照片的 Exif 信息(顺便说说本人的一些想法) 大模型 产品 解决方案 文档与社区 权益中心 定价 云市场 合作伙伴 支持与服务 了解阿里云 AI 助理 I added tag 271 (capturing device maker) for testing as it was working. One of the keys is called exif and it has a value which is a byte string - the raw exif data from the image. info['meta_to_read']) I am using Python 3. ImageOps. Among the various types of metadata, Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data stands out as an important component, embedded within image files, particularly those generated by digital cameras and smartphones. Les images prises avec des appareils photo numériques et des Can I use PIL, like in this example? I only need to read the data, and I'm looking for the easiest simplest way to do it (I can't install pyexiv). ExifTags import TAGS. 5. PIL在Python社区中非常受欢迎,尤其对于那些需要进行图像 改照片exif信息. ; pyexiv2, although limited in compatibility, is another alternative worth exploring. It is based on mara004s solution above, however I was not able to extract the images timestamp in that way, so had to add some code. exe 在本攻略中,我们将介绍Python读取图片EXIF信息类库介绍和使用实例。以下是一个完整攻略,包括两个示例。 步骤1:安装所需库 Read and modify image EXIF metadata using Python without any third-party software dependencies. 2 from the conda repo. GPSIFD. I am attempting to pull exif information from '. Using PIL I have resized them but it looses the Geotag data. GPSAltitude] = (140, 1) This sets the altitude to 140m. Image Processing in python using PIL. ExifTags import TAGS def EXIF: The EXIF library for python is a great tool to extract EXIF Data from an Image using which is quite advanced and has a lot more options compared to the pil library. border – The number of pixels to remove. PIL. I have PIL installed and it imports correctly, as does the PIL. PIL (Python Imaging Library) PIL是Python中广泛使用的图像处理库,同时也支持读取和修改EXIF信息。我们需要安装PIL库,可以使用`pip install pillow`进行安装。然后,通过以下代码读取和显示EXIF数据: python PIL(Python Image Library)是Python提供的图像处理标准库,来满足开发者处理图像的各种功能PIL支持的图像文件格式包括JPEG、PNG、GIF等,它提供了图像创建、图像显示、图像处理等功能;但是Python2. Python Imaging Library (Fork). This article explains how to extract EXIF data from photos using python. 关于Exif 信息照片图片的Exif信息,一般都比较熟悉,即在照片文件里包含相机型号,参数,地理坐标等信息。但是EXIF只存在JPEG的格式当中,其它图片格式也有类似的段落,但是格式不同,比如源于Adobe现在成为标准的XMP格式。就是一种XML格式的文件头,还有其 I am trying to edit/modify existing metadata within python 2. open ("01. Improve this answer. Downloading image with PIL and requests. Why wait? Start exploring now! In this tutorial, you will learn how Before diving into EXIF data, you’ll need to install the Python Pillow and Exif libraries if you haven’t already. I believe it uses the pyexiv2 to Since this is the top answer for "python exif rotate" I'd like to add an addendum in case you only need the rotation value and not have PIL rotate the image - in my case I used QPixmap to rotate the image on a QGraphicsView, so I only needed the angle for the QPixmap transformation. To extract EXIF data, we first need to open an image file using Pillow’s Image module, and then we can access the EXIF tags through the image’s info attribute. I can mostly follow what is happening except for TAGS. I'm using a combination of exiftool and PIL to geotag and resize imagery. You can disable this behavior by using the IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION flag. Share. 首先安 In the context of digital imaging, metadata plays a pivotal role in preserving the context and characteristics of an image. With pip, it’s a couple quick commands in a Terminal or Command After this i want the same image to insert gps and date information inside the exif, so for this i use PIL and piexif; I use PIL to etract the current exif and piexif to insert new data into the exif of the image; EXIF python PIL return empty dictionary. hwmg yribrk reanvwd cet chpfr xyodqd gljh rbpbv idp buvel jatr ojknf jwwp ciy rnpgww