Poe cwdt molten shell setup You Can still get 10k Shield. If what I remember is still valid, IC at level 20 should be best as it's "less damage taken" instead of "70% before life" as this leaves at least Yeah, having guard on CWDT won't protect you against one-shots, but it will protect you against a 1-2 punch or focus-downs where you get hit a bunch of times faster than you might be able to react. Having CWDT Molten Shell only helps if you're absolutely sure you can survive most incoming first hits (or are deliberately inviting them) so you can retaliate with the safety of your guard skill up. When you read molten shell description it says that it will support gems with level X or lower. : Is it worth leveling cwdt if i got just molten shell linked to it? If As a consequence – and taking the build’s already high defense into account – it’s recommended to use the following CWDT setup: (R) Cast When Damage Taken Support (linked) – Level 11 (R) Molten Shell or Vaal Molten Shell (linked) – Level 16 (R) Increased Duration Support (linked) – Level 20 or higher (R) Lifetap (linked) – Level 1 A place to talk about POE builds, mechanics and interactions. poe. I read that the gem level is important when using CWDT and Molten Shell together. Members Online. Molten Shell is disabled after linking together. It just happens that the open socket happens to be where the CWDT+Molten Shell setup is. CWDT PoE Setup Category Notes; CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration Support: Defensive: Guard skills such as Immortal Call, Steelskin, Molten Shell, Arcane Cloak. 1. 25 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Requires Level 38 Each supported spell skill will track damage So I was thinking about a self-trigger CWDT build through self-ignite and self-bleed, stuff like that. This requires a way to generate endurance charges of course (2nd cwdt setup, manual EC with spell echo or EC on stun come to mind) but in return offers a much higher leveled CWDT compared to oyur standard CWDT-EC-IC-IncDur CWDT Arctic Breath - GMP - Chain works quite well. If I had the links, I would add Decoy totem to the last chain. The regular version can be kept in a CWDT setup and will help vs. Inmortal call is being triggered, but Molten shell is not, even though it meets the lvl requirements for CWDT. Turns out, CWDT doesn't trigger from DoT effects. Some people prefer to save it for boss moments, but I like to put it on left click and never think about it again. Lvl18 determination, in hideout. Reply reply More replies Top 1% Rank by size Molten Shell: Skill Id: MoltenShell: Icon: Cast Time: Instant: Level Req. Molten shell need to be the highest lvl possible to be good so is not a really good choice for CWDT. level 2 cwdt, level 11 molten shell is probably the most common setup, but you just need the gem required levels to match (or for cwdt to be higher) This is because cwdt has molten shell as a valid trigger but the vaal portion CANNOT be triggered. Ok so if you hover over your CWDT gem, it will say something like "Requires Level: xx" Now, if you hover over the molten shell that is linked to that CWDT, it will also say that. You get hit THEN you get the Shield. It's not about gem level per se. I assume everyone runs the CWDT - warlord mark - lifetap - molten shell. In the guide you linked the curse would not be triggered. Cast when Damage Taken Support; Molten Shell; Ancestral Warchief; Dash; Aura’s Our final socket group contains all the aura’s we use. Vaal Molten Shell is great for this because you have regular MS on CWDT and still have the Vaal version to manually hit when you anticipate needing it. Cwdt lvl 2 only support skill requires level 40, and Molten shell lvl 11 require lvl 40. For a full setup check the example gear. if you are a Vaal Pact caster you can always go with CWDT + Discharge + Life leech + Increased AoE to get to instant full life again. I used level 10 Molten Shell with level 1 CWDT in Mayhem event and had capped absorption (10k) due Determination + Granite Flask (on Berserker) The reason you care about it being even stronger than steelskin is that with its shorter cool down, steelskin is way better than molten shell if you're only getting the same amount of absorbed damage. If the molten shell explodes after I take 2000 damage, and my CWDT also triggers when I take 2000, does that mean my molten shell will always be up as long as I'm in combat and taking steady damage? So first I take 2000 damage, then CWDT procs and I get molten I have a setup with VMS linked with Cast When Damage Taken, to have an auto Molten Shell, and a manual VMS in case of big trouble. You can put the warchief in an Unset Ring, allowing for a golem in the CWDT setup or whatever else you may want. Not sure if warcry skills can be supported but that also would have to be a lower level to work. That should trigger when I reach a threshold of damage but it doesn't. 00 sec: Applies a buff that adds to your armour, and can take some of the damage from hits for you Vaal Molten Shell provides great damage mitigation when needed, the skill must be activated manually for maximum efficiency. 00 sec: Base duration: 3. Some possibilities are: Cons: requires fast recovery to It's not a great idea to CWDT Molten Shell. Gameplay and buff setup: Battlemage/Rallying cry (Autoexertion Intimidating, Infernal, Seismic), Slam (Vulnerability Curse Trigger, CWDT Skeletons/Molten Shell, Rallying Cry (3 Allies), Battlemage Cry, Vengeful Cry, War Banner, Berserk, Slam, repeat while Frostblinking in and out for positioning. So if you aren't maxing CWDT to 19 or 20, it isnt worth running molten shell. Of course, molten shell can be several times more absorbed damage than steel skin, so most strong sources of armor will do on their own. Alternatively you could also put a useful Golem in the CWDT link i myself use molten shell, ice wall and tempest shield temp shield gives block and some damage, so it's an ok defense but nothing major, molten shell gives armor and some damage, but i have it at low lv on a lv1 cwdt, so it isn't supereffective, could level it up a bit Arcanist Brand is applying your Flame Surge to debuff enemies. So if it says that it will activate for gems with level 32 or lower and your molten shell requires I made a CWDT setup for my trickster. CWDT + Cold Snap + Power Charge on Crit: A simple setup that adds Frenzy and Power Charge generation to a build that doesn’t have any. It will occasionally replace your Vaal Molten Shell with a regular Molten Shell. CWDT + devouring totem + enduring cry - devouring totem is just like decoy totem because it draws a lot of mob attentions due to the fact it eats corpses to heal you. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. When Molten Shell is active, the self damage I tried a CWDT setup with Blood Rage, Berserk, and Molten Shell, but i found it so much better to just manually cast them. Members Online • Halt_Yipp (14,761) character and for that reason I have selected Molten Shell as my guard skill. You are right that the net effect is a 2L Shield Charge - Lifetap and a 3L CWDT Molten Shell Lifetap. CWDT Immortal call trivializes phys reflect for most chars as well if thats an issue cwdt - ball lightning (both low level) - CoH - curse of choice. Even better: use vaal molten shell on a cwdt setup and put vaal molten shell on left click! I get those 17k armour buffs everytime its available and the normal version will cast when u get x amount of damage. I've been monitoring the triggers of my Cast When Damage Taken and i cannot see the non-vaal version of my Vaal Molten Shell triggering even though the flamability and immortal call are triggering no problem. What you want is like a setup of CWDT(level 1) linked with Enduring Cry And then another setup of CWDT(lets say level 4) linked with Immortal Call Now lets suppose level 1 of CWDT casts the skill when you get hurt for 100 damage (just for simplicity of numbers and lets suppose level 4 of CWDT casts the skill when you get hurt for 400 damage. That's because the required levels for the active spells can't exceed what it says on the CWDT. : If i would run cwdt lvl1+molten shell lvl1 and cwdt lvl9 + molten shell lvl12 on another itme, would they proc indiviually or is there some kind of priority? would it even work? 2. Armour is the main physical damage mitigation which is needed to soak up scold's damage to pop molten shell again. If you put molten shell on a level 1 cwdt, then molten shell has to be level 7, where it grants 294 armor, which is basically nothing. On my character screen is an white exclamation mark on the molten shell icon. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills that reserve mana cannot be triggered. Make sure you have permanent Phasing from a flask or ascendancy, or this will be kind of annoying. Wand Shield 20%. Reply reply Setting up CWDT is fairly simple. Edit: Re-estimated prices at current Additionally, for live build/POE discussion and question answers, feel free to ask in the various question channels on the Path Of Exile Discord! a four link but I’ll do it with a golem and cwdt and culling strike if a four link is available so you can Vaal molten shell (explodes when you take physical damage from a hit) + socketed gems have 50% chance to ignite (essence, allows for you to proc lots of ignites)/cwdt/spells that hit a lot + chance to ignite/cwdt/spells that hit a lot (where all the ignite come from) + eye of innocence (take fire damage when you ignite an enemy--also helps proc I have two setups: In weapon: CWDT (lvl4) - Immortal call (lvl5) - Increase Duration (high-lvl) 1x lvl 1 cwdt with enduring cry and 1x max lvl cwdt with immortal call and molten shell. IC, Molten Shell, defensive curses (Warlord's, Poacher's, Enfeeble, Temp Chains), phase run, something that chills (usually Arctic Breath), frost wall, spells with life leech (apparently CWDT - Discharge - Life Leech can be really effective with Vaal Also note that Molten Shell scales uptime better from Increased Duration compared to IC, and has better synergy with other CWDT setups and Recoup (since you still are taking that damage, it just comes out of an alternative resource. If your content has been incorrectly flaired, please change it! Additionally, for live build/POE discussion and question answers, feel free to ask in the various question channels on the Path Of Exile Discord!. Just pop a double strike with ancestral call, melee splash, multi-strike and faster attacks on there and you should be getting a lot of reflected For molten shell levels 8 and lower, the base armor granted by the granite flask alone makes the molten shell shield larger than a steelskin shield of the same level. Molten Shell will give you bonus armour and fire resistance, while Phase Run will increase your As a consequence – and taking the build’s already high defense into account – it’s recommended to use the following CWDT setup: (R) Cast When Damage Taken Support (linked) – Level 11 CWDT PoE Setup Category Notes; CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration Support: Defensive: Guard skills such as Immortal Call, Steelskin, Molten Shell, Arcane Cloak. On characters who use Molten Shell in their setup I like to use Enduring Cry and Enfeeble as by other two gems, this makes you very tanky for any future hits and is a pretty balanced setup. this limitation doesn't apply to support gems, which is why increased duration can be level 20. when doing this you keep cwdt at lvl 1 so it procs after a small amount of damage and therefore happens more frequently PoE 3. Arcanist Brand; Flame Surge; Cast when Damage Taken Support (Level 1) Vaal Molten Shell (Level 7) Dash is our movement skill of choice, but you can use Flame Dash or Blink Arrow if Molten shell is much better against elemental hits. It’s only Let's talk Cast When Damage Taken in Path of Exile! These quick tip videos are meant to supplement my more detailed Path of Exile Basics videos. Level 1 molten shell gives 17 armor vs the 943 of lvl 20. Usually, a build will include 1 or 2 CWDT setups which will serve as utility setups for defensive purposes. I can also still cast molten shell myself, which shouldn't be possible anymore. Main Skill - Helmet Vaal Molten Shell - Immolate - Controlled Destruction - Combustion You want this setup in your helmet, as getting 6 off-colours in The Rat Cage is a huge pain in the ass. One low level for immortal call and one lv 20 for molten shell to get max effect, they will trigger separately. Usually when you use molten shell self cast, odds are you are not even using molten shell, but vaal molten shell, as the bonuses, duration, and everything are waaay better. The issue is, when I activate VMS, the normal Molten Shell can still trigger, if it is off cooldown, overriding the Vaal version, even if the shield have more duration and hp than the regular. Duh) On my non armour and non VP/caster specs I'm barely even running a CWDT setup. Assuming prices dont shift on them Ill be using them at league start next time, the +6 levels just as hitting maps should be great. So long as your curse is higher level than the cwdt trigger, it'll proc off the ball lightning(s) that get shot off you. Because you can't be sure, that cwdt-ic will always trigger, when you are on full endurance charges. Only one guard skill should be used in all CWDT setups, as The higher level you have on CWDT the higher the threshold will be so you need to make sure it is within a level that makes it usable for the skillgem you use. Our recommended items will: Cap your resistances ; which is extremely effective way to Ignite yourself and proc your CwDT Molten Shell lasts longer than IC so it will offer an additional layer of protection as soon as IC runs out. My Molten shell doesn't trigger when I use it together with a CWDT gem (I tried them in the helmet as well as in the gloves). CWDT + Vaal molten shell + Molten shell. you will have to take a whole bunch of damage before it can trigger, not idea. All you need to do is place the CWDT gem in your socketed gear, link it to the spells you want to use, and adjust the damage threshold. Saves the time to resummon it every time during a fight which can save you on something like Atziri) Opposite what you claim, Molten Shell has the worst scaling with gem levels. (Requires charges. For the very popular stopping point around level 13 (str req 109, next rank req is 117), you would need to have at least 7500 armor while the granite flask is active to beat The rest of the gems are standard affair, can do a CWDT molten shell setup ofc. For this build, you don't need a lot of POE Currency, just around 100-150 Divine Orbs. On my RF char, I was in love with CWDT + Molten Shell + Leech. Yea after reading comments you have the setup or gem If your question is answered, please reply saying either Answered or Thank You. (16-100) Cost (8-17) mana: Attack Speed: 100% of base: Attack Damage: 100% of base: Effectiveness of Added Damage: 100%: Stored Uses: 1: Cooldown: 4. Note that this is not a question about how CWDT Lvl interacts with Molten Shell Lvl. the other 2 link is our CWDT molten shell setup make it is done in 2 2-linked and as a full 4-linked. You don't need to keep them low level and theyre instant I might try Steelskin or IC going forward I made a CWDT setup for my trickster. Molten shell has no level-dependent cap, so if you're going full armour it's definitely relevant in a CWDT setup still. Enjoy!Be s CWDT / Utility Since we have no gloves or weapons, sockets are limited. That concludes part 1 of my build guide. To trim that down-- a level 1 Cwdt will only support a level 5 enduring cry and a level 3 immortal call, but a level 20 increased duration. Posted by kompaniet#2874 on Mar 14, 2014, 11:57:03 AM. Lacerate of Haemorrhage 3%. You can however auto-cast Molten Shell by putting it on left click, and it high cwdt levels arent worth it, they should be low enough to proc freqently especially curse setups, high moltenshell and maxed ic arent beneficial for the amount of Use 2 cwdt. It's act like a big life pot :) You can do CWDT + FireStorm + Leech too, pretty usefull with Guard skills such as Immortal Call, Steelskin, Molten Shell, Arcane With self-damaging mechanics, it is possible to cause spells created from CWDT to proc CWDT again, creating a loop. Members Online • Lyonix . Most likely because the curse is meant to be manually cast. I'd just put it into a Cast when damage taken Setup, probably with Increased Duration and Immortal Call as a 4L. And molten shell doesn't eat your endurance charges. I will post a part 2 to show you my mid/late game setup that was able to do everything in the game easily including wave 30 sims and all uber bosses. Thanks Cast when Damage Taken Support Support, Spell, Trigger Icon: ! Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 250% Cooldown Time: 0. With determination: 44k armour (54k with molten shell up). since this link is my survive-ability in a sense high cwdt levels arent worth it, they should be low enough to proc freqently especially curse setups, high moltenshell and maxed ic arent beneficial for the amount of damage you have to I'm using CWDT + Molten Shell + Duration for armour based characters. cwdt - blade vortex - blind I think it comes down to how you play and what your toon needs. The only one that remains is through Hiltless. For SC, usually a cwdt setup is good enough for most cases but as an honest answer most CWDT setups include support spells which don't need high damage. Change things up here as you see fit. I am currently using Molten Shell+CWDT setup. If the one on the molten shell gem is LOWER or EQUAL to the one on the CWDT gem, it will be automatically cast after taking enough dmg. This is my CWDT Forbidden Rite Soulrend Occultist Build in POE 3. The other setup uses a Level 15 CWDT gem, which triggers Molten Shell (lvl 18), giving me a decent Armour boost when I take a large amount of damage, and which also triggers the Enfeeble curse (lvl 17) to reduce the damage dealt by Take a look at the description of CWDT: Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. This is of course a comfort thing, you need to Molten Shell Spell, AoE, Duration, Fire, Physical, Guard Level: (1-20) Cost: (8-12) Mana Cooldown Time: 4. Hi! I've been running this setup for a while and I'm not new to this so i know this should work but it doesn't (i think). Molten Shell will give you bonus armour and fire resistance, while Phase Run will increase your Most hc players will manually cast molten shell. half of CWDT + Frost Wall + Awakened Spell Cascade: Anytime you get hit, half the screen gets covered in impassable ice. so, tl:dr - dont do this setup. Immortal Call is 34% Ele and 35% less Phys damage taken at lvl 20 and improves with Endurance charges. The damage is nothing to speak of, either. If your VMS is not charged up with souls your MS will trigger, and with what gems would you link that setup in 4L and 5L? 2. Does a high-armor high-hp toon really need immortal call? cwdt lvl 1 + lvl 6 temp chain + lvl 6 enduring cry + lvl 20 Increased area effect (can't exactly remember the level numbers but you get the idea). Mace Shield 9%. Otherwise go Vaal Molten Shell and manually use the Vaal version when you expect a damage spike. That's my current setup. Hatred; Blood and Sand So finally, the CWDT Dualcaster Demon Infernalist build has had its requirements lowered, making it easier to assemble the gear as shown in the video. You can then adjust the level of the CwDT gem to determine how much damage Yes, you can use CWDT with spells such as Molten Shell or Phase Run. You'll have to get a molten shell like level 10 max to be supported. Molten shell needs to be maxed, otherwise its a next to worthless armor gain. Posted by Molten Shell + Immortal Call + Lv20 Increased Duration (Up to 4 second for 3 For getting spirit offering to work off cwdt you’ve got to use cwdt-unearth-spirit offering-(extra projectiles from something, usually GMP). Yes, you can use CWDT with spells such as Molten Shell or Phase Run. (it can stays up for 20+ secs easily without investment). Evidenced by champions with 8-10k absorption on level 1 cwdt + level 10 Molten Shell. It does mean that most CWDT setups aren't going to be level 1. Just using on molten shell gives you a tanky as fuck molten shell. If you want a more reliable VMS, you can replace Combustion with Increased Duration. CWDT is lvl 1, Molten Shell is lvl 1, Enduring cry is lvl 4(lvl requirement is 21), increased duration is lvl 1. This allows you to enjoy the Starter Setup of the build, which will give Hey! This probably isn't a bug. You only need to take 583 dmg to trigger Molten. . Saw a youtube video by Zizaran https: Molten Strike of the Zenith 5%. That way you can also pair molten shell with something The CwDT gem should be linked to the Vaal Molten Shell gem, as well as any other spells you wish to cast automatically when taking damage. On getting the Adamant passive (remove corrupted blood when you use a guard skill), I purchased a Vaal molten shell and replaced the standard one to have a way to activate the blood removal (since it presumably doesn't work on triggered abilities). Remember, to make it work, you should have 99% reduced minions duration and 16-22% increased cooldown recovery rate. Be advised, that despite VMS being linked with Cast when Damage Taken Support , you will still have to activate it manually, as it will be too high level to automatically trigger. Also if you put VMS infront of MS will MS trigger if your VMS is not charged up with souls? Last edited by BoondockSaint on Jun 5, 2019 b) Having Molten Shell on left-click is a nice-to-have setup (because you get a nice shield every ~5seconds) while having a CWDT Molten Shell is a very strong defense layer because you get a shield WHEN you receive X amount of damage c) Vaal Molten Shell gives you a way bigger shield. No flasks or other shenanigans. If the skill is uncastable and has a support icon on the skill it's supported by cwdt If you can generate 5 endurance charges in ~2 seconds you should get (Divergent) Immortal Call with Enhance support. In this case cwdt is level 1 and can only support allowed skills level 38 or below. Say I have a high level CWDT linked with a high molten shell and increased duration. ninja is not affiliated with or endorsed by Grinding Gear Games. Note that the endgame setup of this build is expensive. CWDT will only work with spells that have a level requirement less than or equal to the CWDT gem itself. Fire Trap 3%. 00 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: Instant AoE Radius: 15 Requires Level 16 Applies a buff that adds to your The other setup uses a level 15 CWDT gem, which I use to trigger Molten Shell (lvl 18), which gives me a decent armour boost when i take a large amount of damage, and which also triggers the Enfeeble curse (lvl 17) to reduce the damage dealt by mobs around me at the moment. Without determination: 29k armour (36k with molten shell up). No other gems are used in the same item. Should you automate molten shell part Theyre good, have a variety of OP uses. In fact, molten shell doesn't require any endurance charges generation! Enduring composure isn't enough for proper triggering IC. Quote this Post. The most common Molten Shell setup is CWDT 6 MS 13. Molten Shell 30%. offscreen damage, but in general won't be as useful. Would this be good idea for CWDT setup? 1. Then throw in stone golem for regen, and a HoAG for damage and you've got a pretty decent build for like 2c. So whats your opinion on this matter and what do you think is the best level for the CWDT? I was thinking somewhere around level 12/13. A place to talk about POE builds, mechanics and interactions. I made a CWDT setup for my trickster. Since you use a Vaal Molten Shell and not a Molten Shell, it cannot trigger. Thanks guys! Posted by Pethy#1054 on Mar 14, 2014, 5:01:06 PM. CWDT + molten shell + increase duration + immortal call is so boss - 7 to 8 seconds of physical immunity with 7 endurance charges all lvl 17 and they proc all the time. Only one guard skill should be used in all CWDT setups, as they share their cooldown; Increased Duration Support can be used to increase the duration; CWDT + Tempest Shield + Blind Support/ Molten shell cwdt will do nothing for the first hit. I have linked CWDT to Molten shell, immortal call and increased duration. Blood Rage, Tempest Shield, Molten Shell. Molten shell Currently level 17 with 2621 til it triggers wondering around what level or hp is optimal. Molten shell doesnt really Care about it's level. So i think it is required for this build. Reply reply Additionally, for live build/POE discussion and question answers, feel free to ask in the various question channels on the Path Of Exile Discord! CWDT/IC/ball lightning/blind or vortex/defense curse Reply reply Molten shell is basically strictly worse than Immortal call in a CwDT setup since the damage isn't worth mentioning and its armor is trivial compared to Immortal call's physical immunity, especially since you can only get a very low level of Molten shell going. this means you need a high level cwdt. At 15k armour it's still 3k damage absorbed. Sword Shield 16%. The For example on my SR managuardian i run a 4l molten Shell with lvl 21 cwdt, that does 150k dmg and offers quiete some protection vs porcs and tittybitches I used the L20cwdt setup on a few char's this league and my golem had 100% uptime in all maps - it felt kinda nice compared to when I wasn't running it, because certain maps/mob types etc CWDT only supports spells, so it can't support Shield Charge anyway, regardless of level. Claw Shield 10%. I know that. I originally used Molten Shell while leveling and never had any issues after equipping it to CWDT. AFAIK if you have VMS up when CWDT overrides it, MS then counts VMS' armour bonus as your base armour for its own damage absorption purposes. Type setup to automate the mark part at least. Just unsure if I can automate bezerk / banner / totems at all as that's 4 buttons and doing this for every tanky rare takes that little bit of time. On Odealo you can buy Cheap PoE Orbs and Unique items from regular players for real cash. It's a question about how big of hits you want to trigger the CWDT. 22 Cheat 3) cwdt + molten shell isnt a great combo, because you want a high level molten shell for the effect. Now if you had used a spell movement skill like Flame Dash or Frostblink, that would be different, since those are eligible candidates for CWDT to support. If a character really doesn't have a good answer to physical damage, then I think the Increased Duration with Immortal Call and Enduring Cry is a great setup. Both are straight out worth as a CWDT setup compared to an armor build using molten shell because of the way molten shells shield scales with armor and can be left at a lower level. Molten Shell is 75% of damage from hits taken before life/es up to 2000 damage with 10k armour. Even for dodge based char, cwdt-phase run-immortal call is a good setup. Weapon Configuration. If you're fine with eating EC, IC seems very good still, but the damage cap puts me off. Ofc vaal molten shell cannot be automated so you need to get your char in that point that getting 1 shotted is rare so that you have time to press vaal molten shell. If you are armour based Molten shell is quite nice (And running your golem on CWDT is fairly nice too. A lvl 10 Molten shell is juste having a bit less armour compared to a lvl 21, that's it. The gems must be linked b) Having Molten Shell on left-click is a nice-to-have setup (because you get a nice shield every ~5seconds) while having a CWDT Molten Shell is a very strong defense layer because you get a shield WHEN you receive X amount of damage c) Vaal Molten Shell gives you a way bigger shield. 21. Any ideas what could be If you are running high armour already, I don't think you need much support for Molten Shell. CWDT + Molten Shell + Warlord's Mark, the Warlord's Mark doesn't cast Help My CWDT is level 9 and my warlord's mark is level 3. Satisfied. Flicker Strike 4%. aqjfh cdexuou nvowr ufxm ybxe ghsxy jrgrn eoohaiq frvnyrb kcdm cnkulv urq jmeitx gchojx wqqr