Odu ifa ofun. Ogbe, the Supporter- is the manifestation of pure light.
Odu ifa ofun Ofun Otura : Sabiduría y conocimiento On Each Ose Ifa day, Araba of Oworo shares us a new stanza from a particular odù. Encyclopedic treatise of Ifa The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs of Odu Ifa are as follows: 1. Analysis and Interpretation of the Odu Otrupon Ofun. No obstante, este signo de Ifa enseña que la falta de reconocimiento y valoración conduce, paradójicamente, a la victoria. It is the kind of Ofun Ka (Ika), is Odu number 252 in the Ifá hierarchy, reveals that although a person may be extremely useful and diligent, they are frequently exploited and do not receive due reward. Por una parte, por que no veía la necesidad de consultarse con Divinidades o Sacerdotes de Ifá a quienes . Um Odù é formado por um desenho com um total de 8 marcas em 2 sequência verticais ou pernas. She is powerful on Earth and can do both good and evil. Odu Ofun, também conhecida como Ofun Meji, é o décimo ODU no jogo de búzios e o 16º na ordem de chegada do sistema Ifá, onde é conhecido pelo mesmo nome. You may be interested in: Treaty of Odu Ofun Funda (Ogunda) Ifa Ogunda Ofun says: Try to approach your issues more Iroso Ofun, is an Odu of Ifa corresponding to the book of Irosun, in the Ifá Says that all good fortunes will be given to this person, the person must offer sacrifices to Obatala, He must prepare food and drinks and call people to a feast. Ofun Irete : Autoafirmación y confianza a través de la prosperidad. De The Odu Ogunda Meji, speaks to us with the strength of iron and the determination of war, pointing out a path where direct action and conflict resolution are fundamental. Resist temptation: Avoid engaging in attractive but destructive activities, focusing on maintaining integrity and personal balance. Oshaeifa. Ebo of Ofun Ogunda in Ifá to Rezo del Odu Ofun ogunda: Ofun funda ifa tinshomo ikin, unsoro bogbo kaleno osha umpe gbilo tiye kabioso okuta edun ara opa afafa okoji afafa ole tokosi okpele ifa adifafun afafa maferefun ifade. o principal, determina-se o odu fazendo uma manipulação para cada traço do Odù. Click here to Listen to Irete Ofun: Irete ofun speaks about blessings related to having children in your future. Cuando se aceptan malos consejos, el hombre se pierde. As usual with Yoruba scripture and english translation. This Odu is often associated with challenges and difficulties, but also with the deep wisdom that can be gained through facing and understanding life’s darker aspects. Also may interest you: Oddún Ofun Sa. It is the expansion of light from source outward. The Odu is Ìwòrì Òfún (Ìwòrì-Wòfún) by Awo Oluyemi Awolowo Adeyemi . Ofun represents completion and fulfillment of destiny. Oyekun Ofun is a sign of profound transformation and radical changes, marked by the duality and transfiguration of the land and people. Ofun emphasizes the importance of being in alignment with one's destiny. When the 16 Odu Ifa is combined, a total of 256 Odu emerges which is essentially a collection of 16 Odu, each of which has sixteen alternatives that are believed to reference all situations, circumstances, actions, and consequences in life. He warns about the danger of manipulating divination to transmit erroneous messages with bad intentions, underlining the importance of truth and integrity in Ifa practice. El que come ñame fresco, convida a otros a comérselo. Advierte contra la arrogancia y la traición, y Eshu del Odu Oyekun Ofun: Eshu Larufa; Oyekun Ofun Ifa Tradicional; Verso de Òyèkú Òfún; Análisis y Consejos del Odu Oyekun Ofun. Odu Osa Ofun Ifa Code of Ethics: The Awó must respect his elders. The Ifa sign Otrupon Ofun tells us about cowardice and suicide, birthing in this Odu the idea that the knife tests everything and cuts anyone. De falta de cumplimiento, habladurías por la espalda de la persona. Nombres o Apodos: Ofun Ogbe. Recommendations of the Osa Fun Ifá Sign: This Odu (Osa Fun) speaks of understanding and obedience to the prohibitions. From the creation story of Ogbe to the cyclical nature of Ofun, each Odu Ifa holds a unique message, a tapestry of symbols and teachings that have withstood the test of time. Oyekun Ofun es un signo de transformación profunda y cambios radicales, marcado por la It may interest you: Sign of Ifa Oyekun Tesia Recommendations. Ofun Biroso (Ofun Iroso), este fue el Odu de Ifa que revelo que fue Oshun (deidad del río y la fertilidad), quien instruyó a la humanidad en el arte de la agricultura, marcando el inicio de la prosperidad y el sustento. Ebo de Ofun Ogunda en Ifá para Características de Ofun: o Odu número 10. This document provides an overview and summary of the book "An Exploration of Odu Ifa" published by Oyeku Ofun Temple. En un jícara se pone un parguito, 9 olele, 9 adalus, 9 Says Ifa odu Ofun Iwori: He had a relationship with a red-haired woman who, believing she had been abandoned by another, resorted to negative practices against her, including candles placed upside down. This sign reveals the essential practices and rituals to honor the cycle of life and death, as well as the importance of family solidarity and the correct veneration of deities. Keep a witcher's pot to shine in life: It symbolizes Ofun Meji é o 10º Odu no jogo de búzios e o 16º na ordem de chegada do sistema de Ifa onde é conhecido pelo mesmo nome. Estas combinaciones de los signos de Ifa odu creados desde #17 a #256 se conocen como los 240 oddun menores de Ifa o odu Omo. Ofun, the Giver - literally means the Spirit of White. com brings you ORIKI OFUN MEJI (Invocation of Good Fortune) Ofun Meji Oloso, Ofun Meji Oloso, Ofun Meji Oloso, The Giver, the Giver, the Giver, mo bi yin, kie fun mi l'owo ati ohun rere gbogbo. Odu Okana Ofun Ifa Code of Ethics: The Awó does not use weapons. ¿Qué nace en el Odu de Ifá Ofun Nagbe? Oturupon Ika Ose Ofun . Aquí el caos en las actividades diarias está torciendo el juicio de la persona. In this Odu Eshu Larufa was born, and with him, the capacity for change and adaptation. Prayer of the Odu of Ifa Ofun kana: Ofun kana Okana biofun awado de ifá omó ni yare awado ifá obiní yanyara abure, omó awó be Okana yabun bofun kuin yakun omó beife yorobafun Okana biofun Ofun kanan obiní Okana moyáre awó Ifa odu Ofun Tempola (Otura) says: Prudence in communication: Don't share details, good or bad, about your personal life with others. This Odu represents the primordial energy that gave rise What are the Oddun or Ifá Signs? Ifá tells us that orunmila, before leaving for heaven, announced that he would send certain divinities (the Odù) to earth to act on his behalf, with the same principles and ethics that he professed. txt) or read online for free. Look deeper into their character and their behavior in an effort to determine their general Ofun Sa (Osa), es un odu de Ifa que invita a vivir con integridad, prudencia y en constante búsqueda del equilibrio, evitando las tentaciones que puedan llevarnos por caminos de perdición. Ebo de Ofun kana para defenderse de Odu Iwori Bofun Ifa Code of Ethics: Orunmila always tests the Awó to see if he knows. Ebbo from Odu Ika Fun: Ika Ofun's work to break a mooring: The only thing that saves this person is a paraldo with General Analysis of the Odu Oshe Ofun. Em Ifá, é conhecido, pelos The cedar cross is a protection in Ogbe Ofun. Orunmila warns the Babaláwo who made this divination because the person or group of The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs of Odu Ifa are as follows: 1. Este signo narra la historia de un hombre que, tras alcanzar una gran riqueza y comprar todo bajo el Sol, se volvió engreído y desafiante, pero finalmente lo perdió todo en un torbellino de agua y fuego. When disease invades, death follows. Under this sign, surgery, the science of war, the O Culto de Ifá por costume é feito por homens, chamados Babalawô, diferente dos cultos realizados no Candomblé que são praticados por homens Babalorixá e Descripción general del Odu de Ifa Ofun Ogbe (Nalbe): En la esencia de Ofun Nagbe yace la dualidad de la creación y la destrucción, un recordatorio constante de que la vida es un flujo continuo de nacimiento y muerte, de comenzar de nuevo a pesar de los obstáculos. com brings you the treatise you are looking for to expand your knowledge of literature and the Ifa Corpus. The "Òràngún" was the one who revealed that it took Olodumare six Image created by Dr. When adultery is not performed, wealth comes to hand. This could have brought or is bringing you health problems, including women-related diseases. Em Ifa é conhecido entre os Fon (jeje) como “Fu Meji”, “Ofun Meji”ou “Ofu Meji”. Personal conflicts: Avoid physical and verbal confrontations; there is a real risk of violence. Iwori Bofun: Significado y Enseñanzas. Nesta caída responde Oxalufã e Ayrá. It discusses Dice Ifa odu Ofun Otrupon. Ifá Yoruba religion is based on oral literature scriptures knownas OduIfá or the Ifa corpus. Las siguientes secciones an-exploration-of-odu-ifa-by-oyeku-ofun-temple-b00ip95vdy - Free download as PDF File (. Lack of compliance, gossip behind the person's back. Oshe (Òṣé Mẹ́jì) Oshe está relacionado con la limpieza, la purificación y la renovación espiritual. External factors under the influence of Ofun may bring a sense of fulfillment and achievement to a person's life. I beg you, give me money and all the good things of love. These Ofun, the Giver – literally means the Spirit of White. Oshe Meji: Limpieza, purificación, renovación Ofun Tempola, también conocido como Ofun Otura, es el odu número 254 en el sistema adivinatorio de Ifá. In the Odun Ofun Yemilo (Ofun Oyekun), we enter an Ifá sign that illuminates the path to a deep understanding of our spiritual and earthly responsibilities. Index. By embracing the wisdom of the Odu Ifa, we not Código ético de Ifa del odu Iwori Bofun: Orunmila prueba siempre al Awó para ver si sabe. This Odu highlights the importance of General description of the Odu of Ifa Ojuani Bofun: Ojuani Ofun emerges as a harbinger of profound transformations and spiritual revelations, guiding his followers along the path of introspection and vital balance. Este signo también nos enseña que el capricho es la perdición, recordándonos la necesidad de mantener la disciplina y la humildad en nuestras acciones. Ifa mentions it may first be Descripción general del Odu de Ifa Ofun Ojuani: Este signo aborda la dualidad de la existencia humana, subrayando cómo nuestras acciones y decisiones personales pueden conducir tanto a la elevación como a la caída. 15. Essas são as marcas originais. Iroso Ofun (4-10): meaning, advice and history of this Ifa sign; Other names of the Oddun Iroso Ofun: The 16 Odu Ifa: i) Eji Ogbe: The principle of Eji Ogbe is the idea of perfect alignment with Destiny. Sometimes what you don't like is what you have to do. Owonrin, known for its ODU OFUN. People ruled by this sign must be careful with falsehood, as it is their worst enemy, and learn to properly handle the trials and tribulations of life. The book contains over 1,024 verses from the 256 Odu Ifa codices in English and Yoruba, providing much needed wisdom Ogbe is the first Odu Ifa, He is the King of the day. Spiritual debts: Pay off any debt with Shango to prevent illness. When bad advice is accepted, the man is lost. , Oscar Daniel and Brad Ost (Available below as Excel Spreadsheet) This extraordinary diagram is a geometrical interpretation of the 256 holy odus of sacred scriptures (parables, proverbs and prescriptions) for cultivating Iwa pele (good character). One cannot say, not even in revelry, that the mother is dying. In Ofun Meyi, the defense of attacks and karate in Ofun, as an essential Odu in Ifá divination, serves as a guide to reaching completion and fulfilling one's destiny. El odu habla del ganador, que tiene mucha historia que contar mientras que el perdedor queda relegado a un segundo plano. ' It delves into themes of purity and the process of cleansing, both physically and spiritually. El nacimiento de ODI MEJI. Names or Nicknames. Significado del odu Irete File (Ìretè Òfún): En el odu Irete File, se destaca la importancia de respetar de por vida a la paloma, símbolo de paz y espiritualidad. He did great miracles on earth. Ofun Nalbe. D. Es un signo que enfatiza la importancia de mantener la pureza y el equilibrio en la vida. Also included are short summaries that look into the esoteric meanings of the The Odu Ifá "Osé" explores themes deeply rooted in femininity, the experience of being a victim, and the exertion of revenge. Ifa uses an oral scripture to preserve the wisdom of the ancestors. A veces lo que no le gusta es lo que tiene que hacer. The reference is to white light as the El odu de Ifa Ogbe Ofun habla: La Puesta del Sol. Togetherness and collaboration are essential to overcome economic challenges, suggesting that cooperation Refranes del Odu de Ifa Otura Ofun: Estar sin amigos, es estar pobre de veras. To put a chain on the Ofun Meyi (Òfún Méjì) Él fue el primer Odu o signo de Ifá que vino del cielo a la tierra, pero regresó al cielo para convertirse en el último de los Odus en venir al mundo. Ogbe, the Supporter- is the manifestation of pure light. Descripción general del Odu de Ifa Ofun Oyekun. When In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey through the 16 Odu Ifa, exploring their profound symbolism, interpretations, and the wisdom they impart. El consentimiento mataría al hijo del rico. This time, the verse selected is from the odu Owonrin Wofun (Owonrnin Ofun) and is used to praise Ifa Ofun Ka (Ika), es el Odu número 252 en la jerarquía de Ifá, revela que a pesar de que una persona pueda ser extremadamente útil y diligente, frecuentemente es explotada y no recibe la debida recompensa. Says Ifa Okana Fun: When this sign of Ifa appears in an ordinary record, the person will be warned that he must make sacrifice, and have a party and invite his neighbors, so that he and his family are not victims of unexpected events. También puede Interesarte: Oddun Ofun Sa. THE STRUCTURE OF ODU. Posted on April 17, 2022 June 27, 2023 by imaoifasiteadmin. Everything we see in the physical world is literally created by light. It signifies that those who are spiritually disciplined and Sayings, Patakies, Ebo, what is born, recommendations and variants of each Odu or Sign of Ifa. Under this odun the religious owes respect and obedience to Obatala, always keeping in mind that this saint will be an Ofun Ofun: Prosperidad y éxito en todas las situaciones. External influences on relationships: Your partner could be negatively influenced by third parties through objects such as rings. Ogbe Ofun is the favorite son of Obatala, Orisha greater and owner of intelligence and of all the heads of the world. He who eats fresh yam invites others to eat it. Ogbe Fun habla, de que se desea la vida eterna, donde Òrúnmìlà dice: según se cuide así vivirá. The 16 Odu Ifa are based on symbolic and allegorical parables found in the Core Chapters or Principles that serve as the foundation of the Ifá divination system, a spiritual tradition originating from the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Meaning of the odu Irete File (Ìretè Òfún): In the odu Irete File, the importance of respecting the dove for life, a symbol of peace and spirituality, is highlighted. This time, the verse selected is from the odu Owonrin Wofun (Owonrnin Ofun) and is used to praise Ifa and seek his help. Este signo revela las prácticas y rituales esenciales para honrar el ciclo de la vida y la muerte, así como la importancia de la solidaridad familiar y Irete Ofun Odu Ifa. In practical terms it is movement without opposition or an open road. Los hombres domesticaron los This is a compilation of over 100 verses of Odu Ifa, known as Ese Ifa, encompassing the Odu's of Ofun – from Ofun Meji (Eepa!) to Ofun Ose. Be aware of the people you surround yourself with. Ofiera koya abo niloso Adifafún osoko layu omá aboyo abo lebo, kaferefún Obbatalá ati Eshu. Iroso Ofun (4-10): significado, consejos e historia de este signo de Ifa; Otros nombres del Oddun Iroso Ofun: You can read: Sign of Ifa Ofun Bile. Ofum é um Odú do oráculo de ifá, representado no merindilogun com dez conchas abertas pela natureza e seis fechadas. Ofun is the source of phenomena or manifestation in the universe. Significa problemas inerente a barriga, útero, trompas e ovários que leva Descripción general del Odu de Ifa Ofun Iwori: Ofun Iwori enseña que el verdadero poder y éxito vienen de la mano con la responsabilidad, la integridad y el respeto por los demás. En este signo de Ifá fue donde el mono vendió a Refranes del Odu de Ifa Ika Fun: El que ríe ultimo, ríe mejor. Dice Ifa en el odu Ofun Meyi: Cuando sale este Odu en la adivinación del ókpele en adivinación ordinaria, se debe aconsejar que hacer sacrificio On Each Ose Ifa day, Araba of Oworo shares us a new stanza from a particular odù. Avoid slavery of any kind, live your life for the past time will not return. This document contains summaries of multiple stories and teachings from the Odu Ifa of Otura Meji. Expresa tu gratitud hacia Elegba, Oggun, Orunmila y Olofin Owonrin Ofun, with its blend of mystery and revelation, guides us through the complexities of change and the unexpected. It is important that you seek appropriate medical treatment to avoid serious The odu of Ifa Ogbe Ofun speaks: The Sunset. The reason for the two types of symbols used to identify an odu maybe be associated with the method of divination used by Rezo del Odu de Ifa Ofun kana: Ofun kana Okana biofun awado de ifá omó ni yare awado ifá obiní yanyara abure, omó awó be Okana yabun bofun kuin yakun omó beife yorobafun Okana biofun Ofun kanan obiní Okana moyáre awó Okana biofun. Other names for Odi Ofun: In the odu Odi Fumbo was born: The Odi Ofun sign points out: Recommendations of the Odi Ofun sign: Sayings of Odi Fumbo: Odi Ofun bans; Description of the Odu Odi Fumbo; Ifa code of ethics of the odu Significado del Odu de Ifa Ofun Irete En este signo de Ifá, aunque se viva debajo de una piedra, no se está seguro y es necesario realizar rituales específicos. It is a collection of Ifá spiritualtraditions, timeless wisdom, cultural and historical information. pdf), Text File (. Dice Ifa Okana Fun: Cuando este signo de Ifa aparece en un registro ordinario, se le advertirá a la persona que debe hacer sacrificio, y hacer una fiesta e invitar a sus vecinos, para que él y su familia no sean víctimas de acontecimientos inesperados. People under this sign should avoid getting into debt or answering for others, as this can lead to unwanted commitments and difficult financial situations. Relaciones espirituales: Hable con respeto de los santos, ya que su Ángel de la Guarda está descontento con su Learn Ifa divination with Babalawos and Iyanifas from Yoruba land Iwori Ofun | Iwori Wofun: Ìwòrìwòfún does not eat Ọ̀rúnl This is part of Episode #11 of @Isese TV Programme, Ifá Kíkì Lójú Ọpọ́n. The reference is to white light as the Odu Ifa Discussion from Otura Meji to Ofun Meji - Free download as PDF File (. Spiritual relationships: Speak respectfully of the saints, as your Guardian Angel is dissatisfied with your behavior. The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs of Odu Ifa are as follows: 1. Odu Ofun translates to „the Spirit of White,“ symbolizing clarity, light, and purity. El «Òràngún» fue It symbolizes depth, introspection, and the hidden aspects of existence. Overview of the Odu of Ifa Ofun Oyekun. Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Otura Ofun: To be without friends is to be really poor. Os nagôs o chamam também, de “Ofun Meji”, “Làgun Meji” (Lagun significando mistério), “Oji Ofu” por eufonia, “Hekpa”ou “Baba We provide you with all the information regarding Ofun Meji Oragun as well as all its Omoluos combinations, in this treatise you will find, Sayings, Patakies, Eboses, Birth, recommendations of each Odu or Signs of Ifa. General description of the Odu of Ifa Ofun Ogbe (Nalbe): At the core of Ofun Nagbe lies the duality of creation and destruction, a constant reminder that life is a continuous flow of birth and death, of beginning anew despite obstacles. Recomendaciones del Signo de Ifá Osa Fun: Este Odu (Osa Fun) habla de comprensión y obediencia de las prohibiciones. Thisinform Ofun Sa is an Odu that talks about the importance of willpower to overcome adversity and the need to maintain a balance between our actions and our virtues. Alerta sobre el peligro de manipular la adivinación para transmitir mensajes erróneos con malas intenciones, subrayando la importancia de la verdad y la Says Ifa odu Ofun Otrupon. Indice. Ogbe Fun talks about wanting eternal life, where Òrúnmìlà says: as he takes care of himself, he will live. Ifa teaches that all human Destinies are rooted in the spiritual discipline of developing good character. Ofun Meyi, also known as Oragun, is a female Odu, daughter of Oduduwa and Ejiogbe, and is an Odu of mystery, known as Ejifun. Will Coleman Ph. Código ético de Ifa del odu Osa Ofun: El Awó debe respetar a sus mayores. Responde com 10 (dez) búzios abertos. This sign also teaches us that whim is Obara Fun is the combination between the Odu Elders Obara and Ofun, occupying the place number 121 in the genealogical order of Ifa. He did extra ordinary works during His life The Odu Ifá "Okanran" emphasizes the balance between heart and mind, underscoring the importance of initial expressions or 'the first word. Assim 8 manipulações determinam um Odù. Ofun Biroso (Ofun Iroso), this was the Odu of Ifa who revealed that it was Oshun (deity of the river and fertility), who instructed humanity in the art of agriculture, marking the beginning of prosperity and sustenance. Uno no puede decir, ni en jarana, que la madre se está muriendo. Ebbo del Odu Ika Fun: Obra de Ika Ofun para romper un amarre: Lo único que salva a esta persona es un paraldo con guineo. Orunmila recommends place a cedar cross behind the main entrance of the house to prevent osogbos and people with Dice Ifa odu Ofun Bara. Iwori Bofun es uno de los tres Odu más importantes en la El odu habla de "recompensa y pérdida", por lo tanto, tener el espíritu de Obatala (iniciación en ifa y Obatala) garantiza la recompensa y ninguna o poca pérdida. The so-called «Santeria» It is the religion resulting from the syncretism carried out by the Africans who came to Cuba, a product of the slave trade during the discovery and Odu Ogunda Ofun Ifa Code of Ethics: Have a good beginning to have a good end, what starts badly ends badly. The oral scripture is essentially an extended poem with two hundred and fifty-six sections Ofun odi odu ifa speaks about blessings of victory over your enemies. #Ifakikilojuopon #isesetv. Eyin lie nfun Alara lowo kie fun emi, naa lowo ati ohun rere gbogbo. Owonrin Ofun, a fusion of two powerful Odus, presents a unique perspective. Ofun Nagbe. It is a sign that stands out for revealing the birth of medicinal herbs, Core Meaning of Odu Ofun Meji. Perform an Ebbó to Sayings of the Odu of Ifa Ika Fun: Who laughs last laughs better. Consent would kill the rich man's son. A través de Iroso Ofun, es un Odu de Ifa correspondiente al libro de Irosun, en el Dice Ifá que todas las buenas fortunas serán entregadas a esta persona, la persona deberá ofrecer sacrificios a Obatala, El deberá preparar comida y bebidas y llamar personas a un festín. However, this Ifa sign teaches that the lack of recognition and appreciation leads, paradoxically, to victory. Prayer of the Odu Ofun ogunda: Ofun case ifa tinshomo ikin, unsoro bogbo kaleno osha umpe gbilo tiye kabioso okuta edun ara opa afafa okoji afafa ole tokosi okpele ifa adifafun afafa maferefun ifade. This sign, intertwined with the mysteries of life, death and renewal, invokes a sacred alliance between the river and the sea, symbolizing the eternal union of Código ético de Ifa del odu Ofun Meyi: Las semillas caídas al pie del árbol germinan. Se pone detrás de la persona en su sombra un paño blanco, uno rojo y otro negro. . It challenges taboos and speaks to the abundance of wealth and plenty. This Odu also delves into the potency of Código ético de Ifa del odu Okana Ofun: El Awó no usa armas. Receive Azojuano and Oduduwa: To strengthen spiritual protection and obtain a brake on impulses that can lead to self-destruction. Fortalezca los cimientos en sus asuntos personales y profesionales, siguiendo el consejo de Ifá que indica que la rectitud conduce a la protección divina. The Sunset. Cuando no se realiza adulterio, la riqueza llega a las manos. Ofun Oturupon: Fortaleza y resistencia a través de la prosperidad. It teaches the importance of Ifá is an ancient religion and a complexsystem of divination conceptualized many centuries ago by the Yoruba people ofWest Africa. Um processo bem lento mas que tem apenas a capacidade de determinar se é 1 traço ou 1 Puedes leer: Signo de Ifa Ofun Bile. Este signo está asociado con el espionaje y la traición, y advierte sobre las consecuencias de enviar maldiciones o brujerías (Ogú) mediante cazuelas de brujo, ya que pueden revertirse como un bumerán hacia quien las envía. Through his teachings, this Odu offers guidance to overcome adversity and emphasizes the importance of personal sacrifice and prudence. He is regarded as one of the greatest Odu Ifa. ODI MEJI era tan engreído que jamás se molestaba en consultarse antes de emprender un viaje. Pay attention to the advice: Listen Eshu of Odu Oyekun Ofun: Eshu Larufa; Oyekun Ofun Ifa Traditional; Verse from Òyèkú Òfún; Analysis and Advice of Odu Oyekun Ofun. This Odu points out the need for caution in finances and relationships. Conflictos personales: Evite confrontaciones físicas y verbales; existe un riesgo real de violencia. ii) Oyeku Meji: It is references to the idea that death represents any end of a cycle for example the end of poverty, the end of ill health, the end of confusion, and Ofun Ojuani or Ofun Funi, is the combination between the two Major Odu Ofun and Ojuani (Owonrin), in Ifa it emphasizes spiritual and moral balance, warning about the consequences of envy and pride. Prayer of the Odu Iwori Ofun: Iwori BOFUN Iwori TOWOFUN Iwori TESEFUN OBA Iwori FARA INLE RERE Bogbo FUN SHORU Sheru Ofun Ose: Necesidad de limpieza espiritual y prosperidad. The reference is to white light as the Source of all material manifestation. This sign Ofun Meji Odu Ifa sign expressed in 0’s and 1’s. El Ocaso. En el Odun Ofun Yemilo (Ofun Oyekun), nos adentramos en un signo de Ifá que ilumina el camino hacia la comprensión profunda de nuestras responsabilidades espirituales y terrenales. Se recomienda hacer los sacrificios necesarios Ofun Meyi (Òfun Méjì) He was the first Odu or Ifá sign to come from heaven to earth, but he returned to heaven to become the last of the Odus to come to the world. kfhyxotkfrifgjvksdpepebsgkrsjkxarokaxwifyvbuzlkllcpyijbmxqtqtfitlqjxsedsddumt