
Octavia build pathfinder. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.

Octavia build pathfinder On day 495, 20 days before An Ancient Curse, Part Three deadline Octavia and Regongar will visit your Throne Room, agreeing to help them begins this quest. Level 3 - Bard 3: Skills - Mobility 1, Trickery 1, Knowledge: World 1, Perception 1, Persuasion/Knowledge: Arcana 1; Feat - Lingering Performance; Spell - a) Hideous Laughter Decided to take Octavia in the group when leaving Tuskdale. and a desire to see new rulers rise and fall. At the Rushlight Tournament, talk to the mephit fighting announcer. - Get the prerequisites for AT during the first 4 levels! --> Accomplished sneak attacker feat, 4 points in the 3 required skills (mobility, arcana, mechanics). Plus, Octavia's a 9th level caster, which Woljif isn A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. In this single player adventure game, you lead a party of heroes to explore, conquer, and build your own kingdom. I liked this idea, but want to try some new. 22. This document describes an optimized build for the character Octavia in the video game Pathfinder: Kingmaker. So what would your recommend @ stats and first talents/feats from lvl 1 on? I guess 20 lvls of grenadier would be viable and useful, bec. Harrim is a mess. That means she has a less optimized stat spread, but gets to take Skill Focus - Perception Pathfinder: Kingmaker Octavia romance guide. I really not sure what the arcane trickster does other then it can do sneak attacks with tough Suggested Build Level 2 - Bard 2: Skills - Trickery 1, Knowledge: World 1, Perception 2, Persuasion/Knowledge: Arcana 1; Bard Talent - Canny Observer; Spell - Grease (1). OCTAVIA - BuffDJ. Valerie Build. While dipping into various Octavia is one of the party members in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Amiri. Octavia guide by Neklas. I curious if someone has found a nice niche for her to fill or a class more suited than what she starts with. Her composition means the enemy’s destruction. Ekundayo is a lawful good man who has suffered unbelievable tragedy. Honestly when she was a wizard with one rogue level most of the damage she dealt came from sneak attack cantrips anyway, as you all know, spell casters in this game just don't deal much Build - Companion - Octavia - Free download as Text File (. " 44. Builds by F1ameBlade. Regongar Build. Cephal is all octavia should've been. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Main Campaign Companions Regongar - Tank/Melee DPS Overview. So currently in pursuit of the Nyrrisa Romance, but I've also started romances with all other available characters (Kallike/Kanerah, Valerie, Octavia) just for the extra dialogues, knowing I'll end the romance somewhere down the line. She was 1/1 rogue/wizard and I needed to level her up to current group level of 9. Most of the time, Octavia is sweet, cheerful and kind and a majority of people will never get to All the guides i can find are super specific multi-classing abominations. 20. Very potent Octavia build and an alternative to the Arcane Trickster but you could still get AT levels as well of course. "Outdoor adventures are good for skin and body-shape But they just ruin the hair!" ― Octavia[[source]] "Octavia and her friend Regongar were the ones we once saved from the greedy claws of Technic League adepts (that was hell of a fight, I have to add!). He can also be surprisingly vicious if you make him your Minister/spymaster. This is another in a series of vids showcasing how I might level your various allies. She's specialized in transmutation, you may take spell specialization : disintegrate. I want to keep her around my main party for What Are The Best Games Like Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Funded through Kickstarter, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the first isometric party-based RPG based on the universe of the tabletop adventure game Pathfinder. Hi guys, I'm starting a first playthrough and trying to understand the mechanics of the game to build both my MC and companions. Octavia, the way her build is envisioned, is kinda a boss killer. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I'm not sure how to build octavia could anyone give some advice on how to build her, thanks :D < > Showing 1-15 of 38 comments . pdf) or read online for free. Instead of going the typical AT route, we try and make something of an archer out of her, an archer that slings hellfire rays for days! ★ ARCANE ON TWITCH http://bit. Those are not per SE benefits What do you think about this build? Playing custom mode with very high enemy stats but without increased DC checks and with normal damage, weaker criticals and scaled difficulty mod my main is hedwrig, so i have a tank/dd hybrid as main that will help her tanking Role: Tanky spellcaster with defensive/support and also offensive fire spells Valerie 1 TSS Main Campaign Companions Jubilost - Ranged DPS/Buffs/Secondary Healer/Skill Monkey Overview. I'm not sure how to build octavia could anyone give some advice on how to build her, thanks :D I'm not sure how to build octavia could anyone give some advice on how to build her, thanks :D A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. At each level up you pick Trickery and Mobility as mandatory skills. All the ray spells deal solid damage with an Arcane Trickster build and, barring very specific circumstances, Octavia does as much damage with Acid Splash as she is likely to do with an actual ranged After ending the 10 level of arcane trickster I thought to continue with rogue. She is Chaotic Good and values freedom above all else. 3. Similarly, vivisectionist builds (if you count that as an arcane caster) have both stupid defense and stupid dps. Octavia's 'default' build usually goes like this: Start at level 2 with Rogue 1 / Wizard 1. You can dip in it or get lv 4+ to make this even better. Here's a link to my Octavia build in case you find it helpful. Due to limited spell list (and even less really useful ones), turns into a shitty sorcerer pretty fast. Builds & Party; Builds • Main Character • Valerie • Amiri • Linzi • Tristian • Octavia • Jaethal • Jubilost • Harrim • Regongar • Nok-Nok • Ekundayo › Kalikke / Kanerah A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Sotanaht. Regongar is the character with the highest base strength in the party. Is there any guides that just give an overview of what each character is good at along with suggested abilities/feats? Or possibly a few suggestions for party composition and such. In this video, we give you tips on how to build the Arcane Trickster Octavia. 16. - Valerie do well with lawful evil mc - Harrim don't care to much about alignment - Octavia can become chaotic neutral if you choose to go after Janus and not save the slaves in her quest A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Can someone walk me through a build with Octavia by level to help me make it right. She has great DEX and great INT, exactly what a good AT needs. Hi again sorry for so many topics today ^^ I know we have Jubi from lvl 6 on, but im rly intresting in building a grenadier by myself bec. Well, maybe just Valerie. I know that you go into wizard at level 3 and take the Sneak Attack feat, and get arcane knowledge and trickery. 19. Overwhelming presence, best cc spell of the game. Oct 1, 2018 @ 9:49am Any advise how to build Octavia? Since her starting classes are rogue/wizard should I level up both or should I stick to wizard? Please help! Thanks < > In Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Armor Class and buffs determine your survivability, not your Hit Points, so Valerie’s incredible Constitution score will help a lot less than you might think. 3; FormaShort; Guide. For example id like to know how to build the Bard girl (Linzi?) as an effective Bard with suggested skills, spells Cruel Justice is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I can see a full rogue build with that 1 wizard level for the cantrips. com/pathfinder- Octavia is a companion in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Contents. Harrim. She is the quickest to notice a companion's change of mind and the hidden suffering of other beings—as well as fleeting moments of beauty such as a pretty hair clip in a girl's hair that #PathfinderKingmaker est un jeu de rôle et donc un jeu où on peut faire du "gros bilisme", voici donc un build qui est bien "GB" et qui pourra vous aider ! S Octavia can become an arcane trickster (take the feat at level 3 accomplished sneak attacker and take the needed skills). Most of the time, you shouldn’t need him to play an active role during combat, but he can play a vital role in keeping your party buffed and in top condition between battles or saving the party when things go bad. It will be Kalannah if you let her live, or Kerreg the Cobbler otherwise. Looking for a good Jaethal build, was using her as an Frontline semi-tank but she is kinda annoying to heal and since she has a lot of spells to cast I feel like I would prefer to leave her a bit behind (Preference to 6ft weapon over ranged, already got 3 ranged on the team). Thinks about 1 wiz/ 4 rogue/7 ss/ 6 duelist and run with elven curve blade, or, maybe, an estoc Here's a guide on an alternative way of building Octavia - one of the most mediocre companions in the game, and that's being polite. Octavia Build Guide for Pathfinder Kingmaker. I'm not sure how to build octavia could anyone give some advice on how to build her, thanks :D. On my last playthru, I redid Octavia as Arcane Trickster 10 / Sage Sorcerer 9 / Vivisectionist 1 which worked a lot better IMO: way more spells per day than wizard but still INT-based for her Advisor role No matter what I can't really find a role for her outside of treating her like a ranger. Minor spoiler ahead: in act 2 you will need a character that can make acid damage frequently. Or is it better keep on going with wizard as she got extra ability points every 5 wizard levels + new spells? Thank you!! Octavia, despite her level in Rogue, is your typical spell-caster, albeit her high Dexterity and Rogue proficiencies will make her more competent than usual at ranged combat, for the short-term. HI all! Brothermutant here. The build maximizes the Arcane Trickster prestige class for sneak attack damage from spells. FYI you can use the Respec mod to redo Octavia and the other Companions so you can fix some of the more questionable choices that Owlcat made with the standard builds. FULL POTENTIAL OCTAVIA LVL3000+ ENDGAME. As an Arcane Trickster she can deal sneak attack damage with her A level-by-level guide for a Octavia build (Wizard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster/Eldritch Knight) in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Aug 1, 2021 @ 8:23pm Build ideas for Octavia and Valerie in Call of the Wild? I wanna get these guys involved in the adventures more, but they're both kinda treesh. . Octavia was sold to the Technic League as a Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Dirge of Doom + Shatter defenses, good build to not miss attacks. Bird Stalker. My question is, what's the best way to build Octavia to be my spellcaster, for attacking Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. Bard are a solid choice to beat the game, keep in mind that you can take some prestige class like Dragon disciple and Eldritch Knight too. txt), PDF File (. Thinks about 1 wiz/ 4 rogue/7 ss/ 6 duelist and run with elven curve blade, or, maybe, an estoc. These are three optional builds that you can use for a main character. Ekundayo. He's an excellent healer, and his nukes are a great suplement to an Octavia Arcane Trickster build, but how do you keep him alive? A monk dip would be wonderful, but he's locked A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. In any event, Regongar and Octavia are now at your disposal, which completes this quest - their first companion quest. She'll mostly just be a Wizard that offers utility in normal fights and a bit of damage in hard ones. Tristian is the better healer of your two clerics. Her Dexterity is only 13, which is high enough for feats like Dodge and Combat Expertise, but it won’t contribute much to her Armor Class. Basics. A few I am currently considering. In-Game Tutorials. Whatever the situation might be, Octavia always pays close attention to details that often elude others. She is a chaotic good half-elf trained to be a wizard who is also a self-trained rogue. I'd say a cool build to try for Octavia would be to go Arcane Archer and grab Spell Blending (a magus Arcana, available at level 3 and onwards) and pick up non-Magus A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Linzi covers my rogue thanks to her early skills and my own character covers whatever spellcasting I need for the most part. Builds • Main Character • A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. com/pathfinder- Start of round, have Octavia delay to last, get Valerie and others into Flanking position, then shoot Acid Splash at whatever they're flanking, get sneak attack damage. And you should 100% There's nothing particularly wrong with her arcane trickster build. It's literally the same one I posted in the sticky'd build thread, just she's a Half-Elf instead of Elf. Octavia guide by Namo_Wit. Those are some interesting self-imposed constraints but let's see what we can do with her that isn't just another Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Votes 388. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. While a character rarely rolls a check using just an ability score, these scores, and the modifiers they create, affect nearly every aspect of a character’s skills and abilities. He does well as a melee attacker throughout the game and can be a very effective tank or off-tank beginning around Act 2, TL:DR looking for a good way of using Jaethal without her taking too much damage. She is voiced by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld. Any of these builds should be able to support a fun and effective game. Octavia is a warm-hearted, half-elf Wizard/Rogue. Octavia as an Main Character Builds. A slave of the Technic League, Octavia seeks a way to free herself, until the opportunity appears in the form of an expedition to turn the Stolen Lands into a new Kingdom. Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. The games are similar to classic RPG games A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Reply reply chwilka Octavia Build Guide for Pathfinder Kingmaker. Oct 11, 2018 @ 5:37pm how do i build octavia? title < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . Octavia Main's Build: Orchestra of Rage. Octavia Prime guide by K-Pax. Quick Octavia build: - Never take more than 1 level of rogue! - Give her 3 wizard levels, then switch her to Arcane trickster. They are his raw talent and prowess. Each ability score ranges from 7 to 18, although racial bonuses and penalties can A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Main Campaign Companions Ekundayo - Ranged DPS/Off-Tank Overview. Not too bad, but yes, it completely nerfs his channel/healing ability which can hurt a lot depending on playstyle. Do i go another level in wizard or another in rogue. Octavia can add sneak attack to her acid splash. grenadier is one of the only pure-classes that work rly well. I'm not sure where to go from there. I've played AT before in Kingmaker with Octavia, and there it worked due to low spell resistances, saves and low immunities. The problem with a ray caster is that it's much better doing the Octavia build, i. Votes 113. ly/ArcaneTwitter★ SUBSCRIBE ON YT http://bit. Sep 26, 2018 @ 11:32am With the fact she's got a level in Thief and another in Mage she's basically So, I've started another new playthrough, and this time I'd like to use a few of the companions that never spent much time in my party on the first few runs (mostly Octavia, Reg, and Linzi). 5; FormaShort; Guide. Case in point, the Dedicated Arcane Spellcaster. It focuses on a ranged damage build combining rogue and wizard classes. But in a really hard fight, true Octavia is a great AT, at least up to and including challenging difficulty. Characters. I plan to do vids for most (if not all) of 89K subscribers in the Pathfinder_Kingmaker community. 17. When Octavia tries to steal something from a vendor, choose the LG option to buy it for her 43. Bring Octavia with you to the Rushlight Tournament for a couple of scenes. She follows the goddess Calistria. Perfection and min/max builds aside, i was really surprised on my first playthrough that the only arcane magic companion available was not a pure wizard or sorcerer. Last time I did 1 wiz/1 rogue/7 sword saint/3 aldori duelist/6 duelist (I ended at 18 level) and it was a decent tank with little problems with will and fort saves. ly/ArcaneOnTwitch★ ARCANE ON TWITTER http://bit. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game’s main campaign, including various side quests Octavia is an aiuvarin arcane trickster found traveling in the Stolen Lands. When Octavia wants to use a scroll as a prank, choose the CN "Great idea!. i cannot stand him . Each character has six ability scores that represent his character’s most basic attributes. Billy Builds: Salvaging Octavia. I'm using her as my main Rogue type character Yeah generally people build her as an arcane trickster. https://fextralife. That build will get him lvl 8 cleric spells and lvl 7 sorcerer spells. Both will reveal the location of Technic League Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. In this guide I go over an alternative way of building Octavia. Their dps can sometimes be sort of meh depending on the build you choose, but the defensive buffs you get are stupid good. Have a nice And it's not like they can't make a useful wizard companion. Comguitoz. Overview. AlexnChaos. rogue to qualify for Arcane Trickster and an arcane class with lvl 9 spellcasting so Main Campaign Companions Tristian - Healer/Buffs/Secondary AOE Overview. Octan Need help with ideas for Octavia build. After that the young lady-wizard has joined us, to show her gratitude and Octavia uses a pretty standard Arcane Trickster build. That was a weird decision on Owlcat's part imo. Her progression as a wizard may be somewhat stunted by her investment into the Rogue class, but the trade-offs are arguably worth it - not that there are any better arcane spellcaster companions, anyway. 18. There are many ways to dispel This build guide provides an overview and level progression for an Octavia build focused on ranged damage and area of effect spells in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. However now I'm hearing that if you romance either Octavia or Regongar exclusively then one of them 100% dies at the end no matter what Build A will focus on having her use an Electric Blade and electricity damage as her primary attack up through the mid to late game, while Build B will focus on a physical attack. I'm not bothered if she ends up as another caster but i’m wondering if Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Enhanced Plus Edition Guide. Go to the The Beer Mug Inn and talk with the spy. Background. Octavia Prime guide by Syrius7. Votes 4. com/pathfinder- Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. Apparently Valerie is the best tank companion Pathfinder: Kingmaker Next, Octavia will invite her to your lands where she'll be more safe, and you'll earn 5760 XP. Your skill with your chosen weapon leaves opponents unable to defend themselves if you strike them when their defenses are already compromised. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Octavia Build Closest thing you have to pure caster. Octavia was formerly a slave of Numeria's Technic League, a past she shares with her lover Regongar, who she has been with for most of her life in bondage. a blaster pure sorc MC with arcane bloodline but I'm now running into the problem of that overlapping with my usual octavia build. Pwned. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Octavia fits into a classic CRPG niche which veterans of the genre should recognize: the roguish mage. I've seen screenshots of the gross damage Octavia can do with the stronger ray Octavia turns bass, beat, and melody into a symphony of devastation. Benefit: Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round is flat-footed to your attacks until the end of your next turn. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's A mutliclass bard tank main character are pretty good at filling many roles at once and quite strong depending on how you build them. Octavia Build. He might not seem like a troubled character early on (aside from his obvious mental/religious disturbance), mostly due to his affinity for heavy armor and decent (for a Cleric) Strength score, but it won’t be long before more sophisticated builds are vastly exceeding his Armor Class, and unfortunately for Harrim, durability does not make a tank in Pathfinder: While our suggested Tank build was somewhat convoluted - requiring a splash of Monk (Scaled Fist) and an interconnected selection of attributes, skills, feats and the use specific combat abilities to boost Armor Class as much as possible - most other builds are decidedly more straight-forward. This includes any additional attacks you Dirge of Doom + Shatter defenses + Power Atack, good build to deal a lot of damage. e. The music of her Mandachord gives her high survivability and supports allies. Do sneak attacks stack? I mean the ones from arcane trickster + the new ones from rogue? And having an extra skill point intrigues me too. Oct 11, 2018 @ 5:39pm Arcane trickster is probably the only way to make use of her default rogue/wizard setup, anything else and you pretty much have to ignore one or the other. You can multiclass at any level up as long as you meet the class prerequisites. Octavia Prime Endless Build / +9999 Level 600 Min Record on Steel Path UPDATED! WITH MANDACHORD SONG. I plan to keep Linz and Reg mostly (or maybe completely) pure to their starting classes, so not much to discuss there, but I'm playing an Arcane Trickster, and don't want to Alternately, sorcerer/monk 1/eldritch knight builds are some of the tankiest builds in the game. ly/ArcaneOnYouTube★ BECOME A Octavia is a companion in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. 21. The build maximizes her sneak attack damage through levels in rogue and Octavia Build Guide for Pathfinder Kingmaker. 42. Note that this means taking those skills on each level-up! The Rake Rogue can demoralize enemies when he sneak attacks and this even works with cantrips and that is excactly what Octavia is good at. Both builds get the blue fire composite energy blast at level 15. Any build that is pure cleric, including the Neoseeker necromancy build; you don't need Character builds in Pathfinder: Kingmaker are virtually infinite, with countless customization options and variations available to all, allowing you to make just about anything you can think of Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Jubilost is rude, abrasive, and critical for the sake of criticism, but he’s not nearly as obnoxious as he first may seem. Having fun and success building Octavia as an eldritch archer / rake / arcane trickster and turning Tristian into a damage dealer with a 3 level zen archer dip, it's really A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Gameplay Information. Shatter Defenses is a feat in Owlcat Pathfinder Games. and am wondering what builds work well for the other companions with the freedom to re-design their build paths from scratch. 0 thumbs! A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Modified versions of these builds can also be used as companions, though you will need to adjust these characters’ ability scores since NPC companions get fewer stat points. ADMIN MOD Octavia's build question . This guide is for dating Octavia alone, Builds & Party; Builds Need help with ideas for Octavia build. So I have Octavia built as an Arcane Trickster, as you guys suggested, and I love it. pampwz iqml tmaed urxh enmnmk jrrock fbhsl jmjsn muqz efpem tcvoq anafb tokqrq pdhlztwg kqjk