Ncis fanfiction tony joins homeland. Kate stands behind her waiting to catch her if she falls.
Ncis fanfiction tony joins homeland Part 3 of Criminal Minds/NCIS Crossovers; Language: English Words: 5,002 Chapters: 2/2 Tony opens up to a victim about something he'd been Tony's arm starts to tingle and he realises he can't exactly feel his hand anymore. My claim to fame is my OC Leah Dawson. He was leaning back in his chair and had his eyes closed. It is a story about how the unconditional support of a best friend and found family can have an influence on your life and how love can grow over years and make you stronger. Tony nods, "Okay, tell Jenny we said hi and remember to come up for air. Tony placed the thermo of coffee on the chest of drawers before he moved around to the left side of the bed. Once they were all back in the Navy Yard, Tony rushed to the elevator, nearly leaving Gibbs and McGee Usual Disclaimer: I do not own CBS, NCIS or its Characters "Tony's Dad is Comingto Town" NCIS. Ha the long awaited story has arrived Tony Returns this is the first of many chapters I hope you all enjoy this story. Focus: TV Shows NCIS, Since: 09-05-10. On the Saturday after the next Friday Tony DiNozzo goes to NCIS and resigns. He didn't tell Reading Time: 10 Minutes Title: No Envy No Fear Author: Keira Marcos Series: Nature Provides Series Order: 5 Fandom: NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1, The Sentinel, 9-1-1 Relationship: Tony DiNozzo/OMC, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Lou Ransone/Cristobal Salas Genre: Science Fiction, Sentinel Fusion, Established Relationship Warnings: With the help of Homeland, SecNav, the FBI, Vance and Tony's work and files, Director Shepard was found to be planning an unsanctioned op to go after Rene Benoit is revenge for his perceived wrongs. About themselves and others. Gibbs, you know, most agencies have people that do that sort of thing. 1. I might just ask to liaise with a different agency, after all,' Fornell answered. Problems and Decisions. For that, he blamed Mossad. Tony's Girl. This is a crossover of NCIS and Hawaii Five-0 in which Steve and Tony have been best friends ever since attending school together. - Chapters: 32 - Words: 98,903 - Reviews: 626 - Favs: 750 - Follows: 428 - Updated: 3/26/2013 - Published: 8/19/2012 - Status: Complete - id: Good job, Tony. NCIS - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 671 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 18 - Published: The disappearance of twins on a Marine base shows the team a side of McGee they never knew. Tony knows that Vance and Gibbs are looking the other way when it comes to Ziva's search for Bodnar; he's just denying it. Will the Agents survive, and will things ever be the same again? Tony needs a break from his team so he calls a friend from the FBI for drinks. Fandom: NCIS (possibly crossovers). - "I just want to plead this case out. 'Good luck finding someone else to take the job with NCIS,' Tony commented with After homeland but before Christmas. Chapter 18. After many years of reading and noodling and having ideasone has finally come to fruition. The team tries to comfort Tony. I can't remember if Gibbs and Fornell are taking bets, or if Gibbs isn't in the fic. You work with Homeland too?' 'Well, Gibbs will be insufferable after you officially leave. He was waiting for team Gibbs to arrive at work along with members of a potential new team. Tony's lips curved as a chuckle came through. I see no reason to drag Tony through the mess of court. Just Tony being a smart and not hiding well not so much. Now, he knew that that was not possible. A/N: Hello, everyone! This was my original, very first conception of "Unconditionally", however, I ended up shelving it Tony guessed, that she had some hind of list called 'Abby's favorites' and while he must have been on it before Gibbs departure and maybe rose up closer to the top during his absence he must now be taken off it and added to the 'potential harm' list if not to the 'hating you with my gut and you are damn close to be killed without leaving proof of your existence' – list. The four representatives got up and left leaving Vance with the FBI and his own men. He put in on his belt and put away his credentials for NCIS as proof of who he is. Their trainees were essentially competing in training exercises, with bets. I'm a new writer to NCIS fanfic but not to FF, so I hope you like! NCIS - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 40,677 - Reviews: 463 - The members of Tobias's team wondered why NCIS had ever let him go. Author’s Note: I came up with this idea when looking at the art I chose for this year’s An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Tony joins Homeland; New Team; Angst and Feels; But also; Fluff; Murder; Attempted Murder; the past won't let Tony go; Family Drama; Kang being the best; Charlie being supportive; Pregnancy; I'm Bad At Tagging; mentions of infant loss; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Summary. Tony could see Ducky and Gibbs talking with some people from either the CIA or maybe Homeland Security. - Chapters: I was thinking about everyone I left at NCIS Abby and Ducky are the two I missed them the most. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Join free Join English (en trouvera wrote in ncis_fanfiction, 2013-07-15 16:19:00. A knock drew Jarvis' attention away from the screen and he nodded at someone. Parent tags (more general): Criminal Minds (US TV) NCIS and the FBI Two Cases, a seemingly random attack and a serial killer. This story is AU and some characters will be OOC. The best thing about writing is that you can build a world and destroy it. " – Ducky (to Tony, about knowing he was losing two of his agents to Mossad. Tobias looked up at Tony and nodded. While at NCIS, Tony learns that a Pakistani terrorist by the name of Benham Parsa is behind the attack on SecNav Jarvis and, likely, the hits on the NCIS team. 7,413 words. I have gone back and edited these chapters. Due to NCIS being the target, the FBI is now involved as well, supporting the investigation. Look him up online someday, he published several papers eleven or twelve years ago. When Gibbs gives his war speech to Tony, at the top of the stairs outside of MTAC, Tony answers with quotes from several sources, before finally giving his true, tired answer to all in the bullpen and Morrow. "Abbs is grabbing drinks with Palmer and Breena. , Tim M. Tom Morrow, the deputy of homeland security noticed the frown, and the loud sigh that Vance made when they saw Tony interacting with some of Written for the 2021 NCIS Reverse Bang Artwork by Penumbria When a tsunami heads straight for the East Coast with its sights on DC, NCIS is on the frontline. A couple of weeks had passed since Tony had come to work with Tobias. He was not sleeping or resting his eyes but plotting. "Come on, Kelly! Come to Daddy!" cheers Tony as he waits for her with open arms. will the team will be able to convince him that they actually care for him? and will Gibbs realize that there may be other people who will accept Tony as a son. Some Zivaa and McGee bashing here Don't like, don't read. "Brilliant Tony," he said drolly. "Yes Tony? Did you need something or were you just trying to scare me? "He asked. , Ziva D. At the moment I'm not sure how I am going to finish this so please really please review tell me what you think is going to happen and what you would like to see what would Title: An Officer and a Lady Fandom: NCIS, JAG Genre: drama, case fic, romance Characters/Pairing: female Tony DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden Warnings: canon-typical violence Rating: R Notes: just a short one; this is the start of Posted by u/wildman9002 - No votes and no comments Set in that odd period after Kate dies but before Ziva joins the team, it's a fantastic exploration of why Tony does what he does. The story is mine. Didn't become an NCIS agent yesterday, Kate. They added daily martial-arts workouts to the list. By: Leigh59. He walked into the building for Homeland Security and got his visitors' pass. Language Meanwhile there was some anxiety at NCIS as word went round that Tony would be coming back to work after the weekend to be on desk duty for at least two and a half months. He stood in the doorway, waiting for Fornell to invite him into the office. "Dad, what are you doing here?" Tony asked, afraid his father was in some sort of problem with the law again. He's an archeologist or he was before the Air Force recruited him. " "Ah," said Tony knowingly, "making sure they weren't Mafioso, eh? I doubt they are. "Andi, what are you doing here?" Tony asked pulling away in shock. The good thing was that Kate had promised to come over again after work. As a matter of fact, tomorrow. "Thanks for the escort, Staff Sergeant," he said to the older of the two. After finding out what happened whilst he was in Mexico, Gibbs goes about to set things right but a kidnapping puts Tony's life in jeopardy. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 20 - Words: 32,590 - Reviews: 571 - Favs: 479 - Follows: 294 - Updated: 3/10/2011 - Published: This is a crossover of NCIS and Hawaii Five-0 in which Steve and Tony have been best friends ever since attending school together. Pairing: Gibbs/Dinozzo (father/son-not slash); Tony/Tim (friendship) Genre: Father/Son Rating: M Warning: Many OOC moments; hurt!angsty!Tony; protective!Gibbs; mentions of child abuse; strong language Characters: Gibbs, Dinozzo, Dinozzo Sr. S. She is extracting the rest of the information," he said. give me what you want to happen and I might work them in or they might already be in there. . " "Well, let's get started then. He didn't tell Tony that he and Tom Morrow chatted at least once a week, but he was pretty sure Tony knew anyway. Can he do it? Can Tony walk away from the team and, more importantly, Gibbs? Chapter 1 Tony once again had gone quiet, which was probably the reason why David and McGee were back to their annoying angry selves that Tony had managed to get rid of that morning. ’ Tony raised his eyebrows at the exuberance of Jack O’Neill who’d been eager to greet him and read him into Earth’s most top-secret programme. "Good morning Tom" Tony said, sitting in the chair in front of the desk. He waved to Tony to join him. "Okay, coffee will keep. "Tell me," he ordered, garnering a chuckle from DiNozzo. ALL COMPLETED! The best Tony DiNozzo fanfiction. Tony must step up with some help from his Boss and Partner to help raise Harry with all the new adventures they will go on. When she was gone Ziva turned to Tony. Tony, you gas the truck. He's not sure what to do next, weather he'll go to another agency or do something else. Tissue alert last chapter (character death) don't like don't read. " McGee muttered. "My pleasure, Agent DiNozzo," he replied. crappy summery plz check chapter 1 for a deatailed summary. He walked past a group of people. First, they have all have to watch movies, develop new neuroses, and make flowcharts. The light from the lamp sparkled off the diamond pattern of the glass. We’ve got a dial-in from Atlantis, and some folk are coming back to the Mountain. , L. all that is stopping him is his 4 years old son and mother of said son. After the case with Lt. What if tony took zivas words seriously and is going to leave ncis. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Tony is dead, Ziva is deported, Tim is in jail, Abby is institutionalized, and Vance is exposed as a traitor. She had kid's drawings on her fridge, she had some children's toys in the lounge, and she had high school homework on her table. Now I don't own NCIS only some of the characters. ’ Tony angrily replied mentally as he went down to do his job. Three months into Tony DiNozzo's four month stint as unwilling Agent Afloat, the most he has to worry about is confiscating alcohol from unruly sailors, breaking up friendly games of poker, and wondering when he might get off the god-forsaken hell he'd found himself banished to after Director Shepard's unfortunate death on his watch. He was a bear during your time afloat. McGee looked up from his computer and saw Tony and shocked to see him. As Tony finished, he gave another worried and apologetic look to Gibbs. 22 SWAK. Looking for tony focused fanfiction NO Tiva. Tony Some Tony/Gibbs too. He had wanted so badly to go in but today his chest was aching and he still had a little shortness of breath. Tony DiNozzo is an exceptional detective, undercover operative, and a latent Sentinel. In an effort to find out more about his Senior Field Agent, Gibbs joins Tony on a trip that reveals far more than either man had ever imagined. Will Gibbs A different send-off for Tony DiNozzo (sans the canon bombshells) that focuses on his many years as a competent agent, his dedication to NCIS and, most importantly, his friendship with A dark and twisty AU story where Gibbs returns from a mission to find his team in ruins. Tobias was angry, too. Tony DiNozzo has enough vacation time on his account to resign without having to give a 2 weeks notice. Tony almost dies in a house fire and finds himself fighting a respiratory infection that his lungs aren't strong enough to take. My first NCIS fan fiction and the first story after a long medically necessary break. Not a fan of Ziva and despise any mention of TIVA, so you won't find any of that here. "How long are you babysitting for?" "Just want to sleep, Tony. Tony and Gibbs heard a ding signalling that a new email had arrived on to the Director's computer. Tony, I am really sorry for what happened. Dr Pitt decrees that Tony is well enough to be released from the Hospital into Gibbs' care beginning the long, sometimes hard, road to recovery. Gibbs was able to shed some light on the fact she things that Benoit is the reason for her fathers death rather than the suicide it was. Gibbs looked down at Tony and frowned. , Ziva, Tim, Abby, Ducky, Vance and a few others Disclaimer: I do not own the show or characters Beta After the discovery of the videotape, the NCIS team lost no time in finishing the crime scene. Series. Fornell, Tony D. Sequel to my first story Baltimore Beginnings, though I wouldn't say you had to read that one to get this drift of this oneDisclaimer: I do not own NCIS. Tony consulted with Gibbs and decided that not only should they start a conditioning regimen, but Jimmy should be taught at least basic self-defense. Tony DiNozzo stood in shock at the sight of his father standing in the bullpen, all cheery, and worse: with a suitcase. Tim's face fell. NCIS Director Owen Granger had taken over for the former Director Tom Morrow when he’d been tasked to help run Homeland Security. "Probie, probie. trouvera trouvera ncis_fanfiction 2013-07-15 16:19:00. At the same time, he starts to reconnect with someone from his past. It's cost the agency big-time, created public relations "Tony!" Andrea exclaimed. Tony watches as Kate lets go of their daughter's tiny arms as she takes her first, wobbly step towards him. Gibbs listened as Tony gave details to the last discussion that he had with The Frog about his plans to contact Jenny. Follow along as the cast and a few of Tony's frat family (original characters) prepare for what is to come. Follow/Fav Little Lightning DiNozzo. In those few unguarded moments of shore leave when he wasn't the only cop on a ship of thousands, he could relax over a beer and enjoy the inevitable fraternity-style party any grouping of three or more Tony smiled. At Tony's apartment. Tony entered his apartment with a sleeping Destiny in his arms. But, for a different reason, he had been trying to get Tony away from NCIS for years. Plus, for parts between Tony and Gibbs, I wrote them OOC. Tim wanted to bang his head on the table. Gibbs doesn't know what to make the friendship/father-Son relationship Fornell and Tony share. This is my first NCIS fanfic . But I'm grateful to the creators, writers and actors who bring these characters to life. Tony takes a temporary assignmet with Homeland Security. Tony answered "Would I do that to my favorite probationary agent?" "Yes" Tim answered as he quickly changed his tie "McGee my office" Director Vance said as he looked down from MTAC. "Push, push, push" Gemma says, and Tony joins her mantra. Tony looked around Tobias's office. 2. The fact that the girls name was Kelly wasn't great either. Tony has moved to California. Kate stands behind her waiting to catch her if she falls. " Jethro turned to face the younger man, intrigued. NCIS - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 48,663 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 166 - An NCIS Fanfiction "He washe was a lot like you. I don't want them to get back together on the show, but in Pretend Land, they're Anthony DiNozzo joins the BAU. " Ziva said, with a satisfied sigh. Tony and Tim stared at Ziva and then at This is a crossover of NCIS and Hawaii Five-0 in which Steve and Tony have been best friends ever since attending school together. Tony sat with his feet up on his new desk at NCIS. After her illness and return to NCIS Gibbs knew he was lucky to get her back but he couldn't help but want another kid. "Go Kelly! Walk to Daddy!" Tony smiles at my wife as they both watch the one year old take another Tony took this moment to refocus on McGee. Mhm. Tony and gibbs father/son bond. " Gibbs went to head smack him when he heard Tim and Ziva chuckling. This is a short, stand-alone, fanfiction on Tony DiNozzo’s relationship with his mother. Tony DiNozzo warily made his way up to office of the NCIS Director, Leon Vance. Rated: Fiction T - English - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Usually, he enjoyed just slowly turning the glass in his hand while he watched the light sparkle, making it look like crystal but tonight his eyes were dry and burning and he was Harry Potter + NCIS Crossover. This is not my best work. Things looked different. Once everything was processed and packed up, Tony took the wheel of the truck and sped back to base, putting Ziva's driving to shame in his haste. They went up the mezzanine and disappeared. Early that morning he met with Leon Vance to discuss the mole situation and what Leon needed from Tony. The tube sticking out of his throat and the various machines connected to him made it appear Tony resigns from NCIS after one too many slights. Focus: TV Shows NCIS, Since: 11-09-07. " A few years ago, I read an NCIS fanfiction, featuring Tony DiNozzo, Tobias Fornell and a group of NCIS and FBI probies. this is an AU. TIVA! Thankyou Probie Girl1717 for being an amazing beta :) Enjoy :) P. Related Works: Playing With the Big Bad Wolf Chapter One “Agent DiNozzo, you will be assigned to the USS Tony knew Vance well enough to know he wished the NSA and Homeland Security weren't here. Tony wasn't looking at her though, he was looking at her apartment. gibbs/tony father son. "Ah, peace and quiet. Tobias was taking his loss hard. "The Conjugates" by Cricket Songs [PG-13, Tony, Ziva, set between seasons 6 and 7, ~2,200 words] McGee/Abby is my NCIS fanfic fluff weakness. Tony quits and joins the FBI, When Gibbs betrays him by picking Ziva over him. " Tony smiled a little wistfully at that. Enough that, as Gibbs said, he could punch and run. After Kane pointing to Tony sitting and watching the practice with great interest, Gibbs and Fornell walked down the narrow steps to where Tony was seated to join him. A/N: Betaed by the fantastic NCISmom. And, if Tony didn't get his wish to join, he knew Tony wouldn't work at NCIS any longer. Tony's been keeping a secret for years; leave it to Gibbs discover the truth. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Words: 3,060 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/18/2006 - Status: Complete - id: 3250092 ncis As much as he'd hated his time as Agent Afloat, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo had to admit that he occasionally missed the close camaraderie of the on-ship environment. How are you doing?" Tom asked, leaning back in 'Yes, in DC. He followed an agent up to Morrow's office. Vance - Words: 7,688 I know Title: Burning Bridges Author: Ladyholder Fandom: NCIS Warnings: None Wordcount: 11,268 No Beta. - Chapters: This is set in season 5-6 in NCIS. "Not that kind of Doctor, Tony. Gibbs thought. Tony centric, some parts will be OOC. It is a story about how the unconditional support of a best friend and found family can have an influence Home Community TV Shows NCIS The best Tony DiNozzo fanfiction. Warnings: AU, eventual Tony/OC, eventual McGee/Delilah, spoilers for Season 10 through Season 13. She shifted, anxiously. " "I can agree with that. All Tony has just been forced to quite NCIS and his hope of ever being with the one he loves. Tony took the only open seat in front of Tobias's desk. With Tony's background in undercover assignments, she hoped to convince AD Morrow to temporarily transfer Tony DiNozzo to Homeland Security for the duration of the operation. While working undercover for both the Baltimore police and the FBI, an encounter with an undercover NCIS agent uncovers danger closer than Tony ever imagined. KEW note: Just a really, really Paula Cassidy (NCIS) Tony Becomes NCIS Associate Director; Romance; Competent Anthony DiNozzo; Summary. Title: Moving On. FBI & NCIS join forces to save Tony. "DiNutso, I like your idea of private," Fornell said, as sat down two seats over from Tony, while Gibbs chose to sit the row above them leaning forward with his elbows resting on his lap so he could hear . FanFiction | unleash NCIS NCIS NCIS. Follow/Fav Tony always knows. Summary: Tony doesn't become team leader overnight. Then Tony gave the director, what she wanted to hear the most. "That'll show me. Not for DiNozzo Senior fans. NCIS - Rated: K+ - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,602 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 13 - Swiftly, Tony contacts her and she goes into hiding using one of her father's safe houses. "Good morning, Ziva. "Tony" she said quietly and he turned to face her. It had been a few weeks since she had traveled over to NCIS on his request and she had been over at Homeland Security more than she had spent in her office or her car going over her intel. "Mister Secretary, you should be aware This time listening on how Tony's first case at NCIS went down. They both still mourned Kate, and Gibbs still fretted over Tony's health, although the younger man had seemed to improve quite decently since leaving NCIS and joining Homeland. Tony stood up adjusted the black silk tie he wore then the jacket of his black Armani suit. He knows that Ziva has been growing her nails for the past however many weeks whilst on maternity leave, but he hadn't thought to consider just how long they had gotten in her spare time. He was angry at Tony for not staying long enough for him to make that amazing irresistible When an Injured In the Line of Duty Homeland Security K-9 agent temporarily joins the team, sparks fly, especially with Tony DiNozzo. Especially if you follow Tom over to Homeland Security, or worse- if you took Tobias up on his offer to join the Feebs. Home Community TV Shows NCIS Tony DiNozzo are Favorte Agent. It figures that the girl of his dreams would know Tony. ALL COMPLETED! Follow. " "None of the above, but a private company. " He defended his friend while he was speaking, quietly, on the phone. Tony DiNozzo sat on his sofa sipping whiskey from a vintage-inspired whiskey glass. ‘Yes, and it’s called probie work. Meanwhile, an old enemy resurfaces with vengeance in mind. He needs someone to take care of him while he's so very sick. [Tony later that night was about to watch Skyfall when he hears a knock at the door when he opens it he sees an Post-Episode: s07e01 Truth or Consequences (NCIS) Hurt/Comfort; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; mob; mafia; Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship; Team as Family; Summary. "Homeland Security and NSA, Cynthia is outside waiting to escort to Miss Scuito's lab where the laptop is. I have committed fic. "Um, Agent DiNozzo," said Leon, "I was explaining to Agent Gibbs that it was decided to run a check on your family members in Italy. Author: penumbria. Tony and Remy put their heads together and agreed that Dean was the best to teach newbies. Previous; Share Flag; Next; Coming Home . Singapore is the main field office but Singapore is responsible for overseeing Manila, Sydney, Perth, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, New Zealand, Papua, ***NCIS**** Date: Monday, June 3, 2013 Time: 0745 Hours Location: Leroy Gibbs' Driveway, Washington, D. Tony was sitting at home in his apartment contemplating weather or not to cut his sick leave short and come into NCIS a week early. Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or the characters portrayed on television. Part 15 of NCIS One Shots; Language: English Words: 850 Chapters: 1/1 FanFiction | unleash Ziva and Tony join the Gibbs family. The power, the control are at your After a few more moments of talking on Tony's end, while he tried to get the community members to talk to him, there was an annoyed huff, and then the echo on the recordings, coming in from their comm with Tony, went quiet. April Hanson and her k-9 partner struggle to fit in with the team. The marines stood aside and then Tony addressed them. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Tony D. After a beating lands 4 year old Harry Potter in the Hospital it is discovered Tony DiNozzo is his father. I think you’ll enjoy it. "Just kidding boss. " His phone pinged, drawing his eyes to the device in his hand. Tony's ally sees that things need to happen for Tony's sanity and a whole lot of people will be making some discoveries. The Secretary of the Navy Philip Davenport had wanted to appoint Jennifer Shepard, the same woman whom Tony had been warned about, but the Secretary of Defense Jack O’Neill had stepped in and overrode him. He tightly held the drink so it wouldn't spill when he almost bumped into someone. "Director Vance, you know that I think very highly of Special Agent DiNozzo," said Delores Bromstead at the weekly meeting of department heads with the Director. Tony has moved to California! He’s looking toward the future, but NCIS isn’t done It was good, or at least better now. When a man who looks like Tony DiNozzo shows up at NCIS, it causes the senior agent to question everything he knows about himself. Tony DiNozzo decides to stay with NCIS till the next Friday. Wanna join?" He directed his comment first to Tony. 7/1/08. Tony joins Homeland; New Team; Angst and Feels; But also; Fluff; Murder; Attempted Murder; the past won't let Tony go; Family Drama; Kang being the best; Charlie being supportive; Pregnancy; I'm Bad At Tagging; mentions of infant loss; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Summary. "Good morning Tony. Tony may have delivered The Frog to Jenny, after all. So do we. Commander Tanner Tony silently has started to look at possible future jobs. It's enough to make him think about severing his connection with his NCIS team. " He grimaced at him and Tony laughed in response. With pressure mounting at work, Tony is also dealing with an increasing Tom Morrow, the deputy of homeland security noticed the frown, and the loud sigh that Vance made when they saw Tony interacting with some of the other agents. " The two men went through the files, a culmination of investigations from the FBI, Homeland Security, the IRS, and NCIS. Senior isn’t quite done with him either. It's a big one, Tony. Just my take on the relationship between Tony and Abby and how it hasn't always been as close as it seems to be now. Walking back from the coffee shop, Gibbs thought that they all needed a few days off and as soon as the case was closed, he'd send them away for a long weekend off. C. He knocked on the door and entered. Tony was not going to leave Hawaii to come back to work for him in D. " Andrea pleaded. McGee looked on with amusement. Angsty. Summary: Tim and Ziva's actions during Hiatus inspire a different reaction from Tony than was seen in cannon. "What if you had other options that would keep you doing what you do, but not with NCIS?" "FBI? Homeland Security? Tony, they all have the same mandatory cut-off age for field agents. The New Agent ‘Come over here, DiNozzo, and watch. All his decisions in his life had been made straight from the gut. Not knowing who to trust, he goes deeper into his cover until he finds a lifeline. Okay well that it Enjoy! The plane is about to take off when Ziva stops Gibbs {TONY POV} I got called into the director's office today I Summary: After the events of "Boxed In" and "Hiatus," Tony Dinozzo's in a bad place emotionally and physically. "My you look good. He had seen the Mossad Director, Orli Elbaz, go up to the office thirty minutes earlier with a Mossad agent pushing a baby stroller and he hadn't seen her leave, so he was apprehensive about why he was summoned to join them. " She ran up to give him a hug. Please forgive me. "Tell me Leon, are you Title: Moving On Author: penumbria Fandom: NCIS (possibly crossovers) Summary: Series of unconnected one-shots (possibly later to become first chapters of longer TV Shows NCIS. Anthony DiNozzo joins the BAU; Disclaimers: I do not own NCIS, its characters, those belong to CBS and show creators. Mind if I join you?" "Thought you'd never ask," the reply was delivered in the same dry tone that had centered Tony during his long career at NCIS. Fandom: NCIS Characters: Tony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Ziva David, Tim McGee, Jimmy Palmer Not so secret lover of fanfic. So, when I don't own NCIS, wish I did, cuz Tony wouldn't be such a clown if I had anything to say about it. Our reputation stands to take a hit if David's shenanigans come to light. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tony has moved to California! He’s looking toward the future, but NCIS isn’t done with him yet. Spoilers for 2. NCIS is the only Defense Criminal Investigative Organization in the area. Tony DiNozzo are Favorte Agent. By: Ijustwanttobeme. They waited while he read it. "I am with the FBI; we are working a co-op with NCIS. " Tony offers his Israeli-born teammate as she gets out of her car and joins him where he's standing at the hood of his own, breakfast laid out enough for all that are expected to arrive shortly. Looking for direction, he heads to Oahu, the home of his Ex, Steve McGarrett. Summary: Series of unconnected one-shots (possibly later to become first chapters of longer works but no guarantees) where Tony leaves, either Team Gibbs, NCIS as a whole, or his place as SFA. Unsure of his relationship with Ziva and tiring of being Gibbs' SFA, Tony takes a temporary assignmet with Homeland Security. "Should have done that a little while ago. Tony and the other man then headed towards the stairs. *This is also being written on AO3 on my account Episode: s01e23 Reveille (NCIS) Tony Leaves; Summary. Follow. But I thought you were the NCIS liaison. Rated: Fiction T - English - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, T. The sunshine is great, being with Charlie is better, But he knew he had a strong intuition which was very helpful in his line of work. it probably was also the reason why Tony had agreed to come with Gibbs to NCIS. Tony leaves NCIS; Tony’s two years are up; Summary. gnwczcyfcfhaijuyleoqqhwfcfpzynraeholfzhxhfcmyezlmdpsduepxaoeaqzskuvpgnnwofnwfnfunk