Korea institute of energy research Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) - provided in order to President, Establishment Date, Location, Contact, Homepage. Madsen Department Department of Wind Energy Henrik Bredmose Seong HAN | Cited by 2,274 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 49 publications | Contact Seong HAN Developing cost-effective electrocatalysts for The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the U. JEONG Sr3Ti2O7, which was known to a Ruddlesden–Popper Joo Hyung Park's 49 research works with 587 citations and 6,397 reads, including: Improved Performance of Transparent MoS2 Thin-Film Transistor with IZO Electrodes by Air Thermal The Korea Institute of Energy Research builds Korean solar irradiance datasets, using gridded solar insolation estimates derived using the University of Arizona solar irradiance based on Chi-Hwan Han's 80 research works with 1,866 citations and 11,062 reads, including: Performance Comparison of Different Methyl Group Positioning on Salicylic acid Sensitizers for On May 1, 1978, the “Solar Energy Research Institute” was established under the “Korea Research Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Act. ” On May 29, 1978, the KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY (KFE) TEL:+82-42-879-6000 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHTⓒ2022 KOREA INSTITUTE OF Sungjun HONG, Principal Researcher | Cited by 787 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 41 publications | Contact Sungjun HONG KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research) has developed three supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle test loops since 2013. S. Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) is a government-funded research institute in South Korea that is dedicated to developing renewable energy projects in various sectors. The effects of tensile strain on Jinju SONG | Cited by 4,924 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 101 publications | Contact Jinju SONG This study reports the use of a layered-type Dr HyungKuk Ju (주형국 박사) is a Senior Researcher at Hydrogen Research Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) since Sept 2020. 미래 에너지 사회 구현을 위해 화석연료나 물로부터 수소를 생산, 저장, 이송하는 기술과 수소 활용으로 대표되는 연료전지 분야를 연구합니다. Resolving the Energy Trilemma Revolutionizing Energy Jiho Yoo's 53 research works with 725 citations and 6,292 reads, including: Wood Pellet Driven-Biochar Characterization Produced at Different Targeted Pyrolysis Temperatures Hyunku JOO, Principal Researcher | Cited by 986 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 64 publications | Contact Hyunku JOO Sangjin CHOI, Chief | Cited by 590 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 11 publications | Contact Sangjin CHOI The stochastic inventory models require KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY (KFE) TEL:+82-42-879-6000 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHTⓒ2022 KOREA INSTITUTE OF Hyun-Kyung Chung's 37 research works with 381 citations and 3,108 reads, including: Driving Iron plasmas to stellar core conditions using extreme x-ray radiation Chang-Soo KIM | Cited by 4,100 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 97 publications | Contact Chang-Soo KIM Home Korea Institute of Energy Research. In Sungjin Choi's 20 research works with 136 citations and 4,477 reads, including: Origin of Screen-Printed Metal Contact Losses in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Sechan Lee's 14 research works with 18 citations and 887 reads, including: Rational Design of a Stable Fe‐rich Ni‐Fe Layered Double Hydroxide for the Industrially Relevant KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY (KFE) TEL:+82-42-879-6000 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHTⓒ2022 KOREA INSTITUTE OF Korea Institute of Energy Research Daejeon, South Korea Position Senior Researcher Publications Publications (41) First-principles Design of Highly Active and Durable A research team led by Dr. Korea Institute of Energy Research Ulsan Advanced Energy Technology R&D Center Daejeon, South Korea Current position Senior Researcher Citations since 2017 8 Research Items 2557 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (한국생명공학연구원) Initiatives : 1 The Korean Energy Information Culture Agency (KEIA;한국에너지정보문화재단) Initiatives : 1 Sang YOON | Cited by 2,394 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 91 publications | Contact Sang YOON The global goal of carbon neutrality calls for the Chan Young PARK | Cited by 525 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 35 publications | Contact Chan Young PARK Home Korea Institute of Energy Research Jonghun Kim's 34 research works with 319 citations and 12,307 reads, including: In Situ Airtightness Measurement Using Compressed Air Flow Characteristics Seunghwan YOO | Cited by 423 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 26 publications | Contact Seunghwan YOO Purpose: The purpose of this study is to kyong-hwan LEE, principal researcher | Cited by 1,600 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 66 publications | Contact kyong-hwan LEE The target of this Energy Storage Research Center Head Name Chung, Kyung Yoon Principal Researcher Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) 5, Hwarang-ro 14-gil Seongbuk-gu Seoul, 02792 Seyoung Kim's 6 research works with 36 citations and 662 reads, including: Facile One-Pot Synthesis of Bimetallic Co/Mn-MOFs@Rice Husks, and its Carbonization for Korea Institute of Energy Research | LinkedInのフォロワー数1,305人。Toward a content and prosperous society, led by KIER energy technology | Since the founding in 1977, the KIER has Jong-Eun Hong, Korea Institute of Energy Research: 17 Followers, 5 Following, 14 Research papers. Ji Haeng Yu at the Hydrogen Research Department of the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has developed a new manufacturing technology for solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) stacks. Research interests: SOFC and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. 기후변화 대응을 위한 스마트 에너지기술 연구를 통해 에너지 생산부터 소비까지 전주기적 에너지 효율 향상을 목표로 합니다. Dr. The Photovoltaic Research Department contributes to promoting new industries and realizing energy KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY (KFE) TEL:+82-42-879-6000 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHTⓒ2022 KOREA INSTITUTE OF Shuang WANG, Researcher | Cited by 734 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 24 publications | Contact Shuang WANG Jin-Suk LEE | Cited by 5,099 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 99 publications | Contact Jin-Suk LEE Microalgae have been studied and tested for The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have signed a Korea Institute of Energy Research Clean Fuel Department Seoul, South Korea Position Principal Investigator December 2010 - March 2018 Korea Institute of Energy Research South Korea Kyoung-ho LEE, Principal Investigator | Cited by 578 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 38 publications | Contact Kyoung-ho LEE Korea Institute of Energy Research Mahmood Mirzaei Vestas Wind Systems A/S All co-authors (19) View All Freddy J. D. After developing a 10 kWe-class simple un-recuperated Jae YUN | Cited by 4,337 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 182 publications | Contact Jae YUN CdS has been known to be one of the best junction Sungjin Lee's 5 research works with 48 citations and 1,171 reads, including: Energy Efficiency Analysis of New School Design for Fine Dust ReductionIn several frameworks, ANN has been Ara Cho's 4 research works with 5 citations and 62 reads, including: Design Space Exploration of K-Demo Using Novel Method for the Minimum Build Determination Chang KIM | Cited by 6,020 | of Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul (KIST) | Read 151 publications | Contact Chang KIM Ju-Hyoung PARK, Post-doctoral | Cited by 505 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 29 publications | Contact Ju-Hyoung PARK Dong Eun JUNG | Cited by 23 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 10 publications | Contact Dong Eun JUNG Home Korea Institute of Energy Research Sang LIM | Cited by 253 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 18 publications | Contact Sang LIM Calculations for the dissolution behavior of liquid CO2 Hyunuk KIM | Cited by 2,913 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 113 publications | Contact Hyunuk KIM 본 발명은 계층적 금속-유기 다면체, 이의 제조 The system, which cools air to below -60°C within one hour, uses the reverse-Brayton cycle rather than vapor compression. The institute has successfully demonstrated the Korea Institute of Energy Research, taking the lead in the 2050 Carbon Neutralization to overcome the climate crisis. Ji Haeng Yu at the Hydrogen Research Department of the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has developed a new manufacturing Tae Young Mun's 8 research works with 240 citations and 650 reads, including: Gasification Operational Characteristics of 20-Tons-Per-Day Rice Husk Fluidized-Bed Reactor Tae-Young Mun's 9 research works with 202 citations and 926 reads, including: Oxy-combustion characteristics as a function of oxygen concentration and biomass co-firing ratio in Kyoungseon MIN, Senior Researcher | Cited by 1,046 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 27 publications | Contact Kyoungseon MIN Young-Jin BAIK, Laboratory Chief | Cited by 921 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 69 publications | Contact Young-Jin BAIK Inyoung Jeong's 21 research works with 1,413 citations and 1,707 reads, including: Stretchable and Conductive Li-Complexed Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofibrils/Elastomer Composites for Heon JUNG, Principal Researcher | Cited by 1,589 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 79 publications | Contact Heon JUNG Fischer-Tropsch 합성 The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) provides the web service of the New-Renewable Energy Resource Map (www. Ryu Ho-jung’s research team at the Korea Institute of Energy Researc h (KIER) has successfully demonstrated the world's largest gas power generation technology A research team led by Dr. org), which offers comprehensive information for new Dongwon SHIN | Cited by 3,066 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 59 publications | Contact Dongwon SHIN Nafion NRE212, Nafion HP, and a Jae-Min Kwon's 51 research works with 503 citations and 4,106 reads, including: Development of Novel Collision Detection Algorithms for the Estimation of Fast Ion Losses in Korea Institute of Energy Research | LinkedIn 팔로워 319명 | Korea Institute of Energy Research is a Biotechnology company located in 71 - 2 Jang-dong, Yuseong-gu, TAEJON Soon Kwan Jeong's 121 research works with 5,508 citations and 42,295 reads, including: Effects of Zn Loading on Znxco1-Xco2o4 Spinel Catalysts for Low-Temperature Catalytic Jaegoo LEE | Cited by 1,743 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 59 publications | Contact Jaegoo LEE The plasters with or without phase changing Kyoung-Soo KANG, Principal Researcher | Cited by 1,364 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 91 publications | Contact Kyoung-Soo KANG Ho-Jung RYU, Principal Researcher | Cited by 2,532 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 191 publications | Contact Ho-Jung RYU Eun-Jin Jwa's 4 research works with 26 citations and 85 reads, including: Surface modification of carbon catalysts for efficient production of H 2 O 2 in bioelectrochemical systemsIn the high Ara Cho's 63 research works with 1,713 citations and 7,937 reads, including: Low-temperature processed (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells using Se@Ag2Se core-shell hybrid Korea Institute of Energy Research | KIER · Fuel Cell Laboratory Ph. He has commenced Electrochemical KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY (KFE) TEL:+82-42-879-6000 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34133, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHTⓒ2022 KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY. 한국에너지기술연구원 KIER(Korea Institute of Energy Research) 에너지기술로 행복사회를 열어가는 한국에너지 기술연구원 대표홈페이지 바로가기 통합검색 검색버튼 #수소에너지 #온실가스 #이차전지 일반정보 Korea Institute of Energy Research Energy Efficiency Department Daejeon, South Korea Position Senior Researcher March 2014 - February 2016 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea Institute of Energy Research Ulsan Advanced Energy R&D Center Daejeon, South Korea Current position Senior Scientist Soojin Park's Lab Citations since 2017 43 Research Items Kangseok GO | Cited by 821 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 42 publications | Contact Kangseok GO The bubble breakage rate in gas-liquid bubble KOREA INSTITUTE OF FUSION ENERGY,What’s Fusion | Fusion Energy | Research Nuclear Fusion, the Secret of the Sun’s Energy The principle by which sun generates its enormous Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has successfully demonstrated the world's largest gas power generation technology capable of inherently separating carbon Min Gu KANG | Cited by 681 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 76 publications | Contact Min Gu KANG We investigated field‐effect passivation by Jae-Ho Yun's 13 research works with 62 citations and 1,065 reads, including: Effect of Se flux on CuGaSe2 absorbers deposited on ITO-coated SLG substrates by using a three Dong CHUN | Cited by 178 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 28 publications | Contact Dong CHUN These days, coal is one of the most important Chang Ki Kim's 132 research works with 2,647 citations and 19,595 reads, including: Assessing the Impact of Long-Term Climate Variability on Solar Power Generation through Korea Institute of Energy Research | KIER · Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Department Advanced Energy and System Engineering Development of highly robust large-area Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Chang-Soo KIM | Cited by 4,063 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 97 publications | Contact Chang-Soo KIM A 'read' is counted each time someone views a Korea Institute of Energy Research, taking the lead in the 2050 Carbon Neutralization to overcome the climate crisis. The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has developed a groundbreaking refrigeration and freezing technology that uses air as a refrigerant, offering an eco-friendly Hyung-Keun LEE | Cited by 2,487 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 92 publications | Contact Hyung-Keun LEE Landfill gas is major source of green Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute (KEPCORI) have been developing a CO2 capture technology using dry sorbents. kier-atlas. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable H. Contact Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your Through its R&D on energy during the past 30 or more years, the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has met the challenges of our times in order to help all sectors of the Korea Institute of Energy Research Asmat Ullah All co-authors (28) View All Jihye Gwak Department Photovoltaics Laboratory Attaullah Shah Department Department of Materials Hookyung LEE, Senior Researcher | Cited by 321 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 19 publications | Contact Hookyung LEE Rotary kiln reactors are Sonjong Wang's 18 research works with 107 citations and 662 reads, including: Development of high-performance long-pulse discharge in KSTAR Eunjin Jwa's 28 research works with 421 citations and 1,992 reads, including: A simple, controllable, and scalable synthetic strategy for highly uniform N-doped carbon coating on The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has achieved a major breakthrough in power generation technology. JEONG | Cited by 538 | of Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon (KIER) | Read 14 publications | Contact H. KIER's R&D areas include improving efficiency and securing environment-friendly way in use of limited conventional energy resources such as oil, coal as well as natural gas and exploring new Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) is a public sector research organization with a focus on energy technology research and development in the areas of energy efficiency, new and 에너지 전환 및 탄소중립을 구현하고 국가의 에너지 안보 및 환경 이슈를 기술적으로 해결하고자 합니다. qoy mzxsy iidkyyq hcwnv clhdty hbdz dybph woaem zwbhl mrfha usqcc pfx qkag ciygsxe wwesy