Farpoint uhc filter nebula contrast at the 1. A 2" UHC with red is also on my Page 2 of 3 - Best UHC and OIII filters ? - posted in Eyepieces: Lumicon O-III 2005-2011 came from Barr (Materion) Lumicon 2012-2016 were from ? (I know, but wont say) These are the filters I use: Farpoint UHC (28nm bandwidth) Optolong UHC (~50nm bandwidth) Astronomik B-band deep sky imaging filter (~92nm bandwidth) I find each of these Page 1 of 2 - Narrow and broad band contrast filters and exit pupil - posted in Eyepieces: This summer Ive gained experience with UHC filters - specifically the DGM-NPB Farpoint Imaging Telescopes; Refractors; Astrophotography; By Size; Accessories Expand submenu. So it's been available for a couple years now. I was concerned that This filter performs well under both light-polluted and dark skies. 5?). It consequently complements it with the advantages of CMOS optimization (no disturbing For example, My Lumicon/Farpoint UHC filter is a narrowband filter whereas my optolong UHC is a medium band filter. The pre-production ones are great so if the new ones are Farpoint UHC, DGM NPB, Orion Ultrablock Narrowband UHC, Lumicon UHC - All top rank UHC and UHC-type narrowband filters that will enhance contrast of many nebular I bought a couple of filters from Farpoint just when they claimed having taking over the Lumicon brand; the UHC was excellent and identical to a “Farpoint UHC” —and different Page 1 of 2 - UHC Filter Challenge: Lumicon vs Astronomik/TeleVue - posted in Eyepieces: Is there any reason why Astronmik does not, or cannot, produce a UHC filter that The filter has changed from the filters of yore, however, as it has a wider bandwidth. $129. The filter may or may not be of the proper design. me. (Lumicon or With the NPB filter (or similar UHC filter) I think you should be able to see some distinction in the dark regions at the center of Sh2-101 before attempting to see the X-1 bow Use UHC Insights to: Consolidate data from multiple sources; Review, analyze and act on data all in one place Use Report Center (formerly UnitedHealthcare Reports) to: Search Der UHC-E ermöglicht auch bei kleinen Teleskopen die Beobachtung von Gasnebeln und planetarischen Nebeln sowie Kometen bei mehr Kontrast. This year, I have eliminated 2) Start with a narrowband (UHC-type) that transmits H-ß, and the 2 O-III lines. - posted in Eyepieces: So I just spent far too long looking at filter and light spectra and I have a question for those who have Farpoint Camera Filter Bahtinov Mask Farpoint 55mm Camera Filter Bahtinov Focus Mask is an ingenious new way to easily focus your DSLR camera, web View full details Optolong You will enjoy using your Astronomik UHC filter because you will see more stars and more details in deep-sky objects compared to using filters from all other manufacturers. I'd recommend the Lumicon UHC, I just want to mention that last night I had a chance to use the 1. 25" Gen 3 OIII filter from them around a week and a half ago. No double star images and really incredible performance. Page 2 of 3 - Farpoint UHC Filter Analysis & Review - posted in Eyepieces: Farpoint UHC 1. And designations vary all over the place. Contrast is increased even under dark skies. Orions and Orion Ultrablock Narrowband vs Astronomik UHC filters - posted in Eyepieces: Is there any advantage to using an Orion Ultrablock Narrowband over an Astronomik UHC filter? Their graphs show that the Astronomik UHC Page 2 of 6 - Is there no more Lumiсon filter brand? - posted in Eyepieces: The O-III and H-ß filters are identical, but the TeleVue BandMate II Nebustar has no red transmission, Page 1 of 2 - Is it time to replace my uhc filter? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I have a Orion uhc 2 inch filter made in japan. Basically the same with a few more % transmission. The Farpoint UHC was the Page 2 of 2 - UHC filters really work! - posted in Deep Sky Observing: That ship has sailed and Lumicon has undergone various changes of ownership/status since then. $ 69. Im open to thoughts and advice on what one filter it might be worth adding to Kent Wallace reported the first (known) visual observation of Pease 1 was made in 1980 by southern Californian amateur Tokuo Nakamoto. A transmission scan will tell you much of The ones I'm considering right now are the Farpoint UHC, DGM-NPB, and Orion UltraBlock. 25 Inch Gen3 UHC Filter. At any rate, I'm glad for the Farpoint UHC and Page 1 of 2 - Difference between UHC filters - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I recently bought a UHC filter by lumicon and was wondering the difference between orion,celestron,televue etc. If you're going UHC You will enjoy using your Astronomik UHC filter because you will see more stars and more details in deep-sky objects compared to using filters from all other manufacturers. Orion's Ultrablock is very similar. I estimate it does about 50-70% as well as the Farpoint UHC and DGM NPB filters. The Lumicon UHC filter was designed to better observe and photograph nebulae. The current Astronomik looks like Lumicon OIII - Differences between generations? - posted in Eyepieces: I have recently been upgrading all of my old 1. Sort by: Omegon Filters Pro 1. ) sold them (2016-2022/3), they sold to dealers and many dealers also sold Lumicon Filters. 00 from $350. This is achieved by passing three nebula emission lines - the two doubly ionized oxygen lines (496 and 501nm) and the H-beta Astronomik filters are top notch with great optical and build quality. More good news: The long-a waited Lumicon UHC filters are also now available. >>> The Farpoint UHC 1. I have the Televue Bandmate II - which I think was manufactured by Astronomik. Edited by russell23, 09 April 2023 - 09:09 AM. I was concerned that FarPoint may have sourced my filter from China, and that it Filters for Astronomy reveal hidden details not otherwise seen. A line filter could pick one of these: Lumicon UHC, Farpoint UHC, DMG NPB, Thousand Oaks UHC (LP-2) and one of these: Lumicon O-III, Farpoint O-III, Thousand Oaks O-III (LP-3) I don't The Optolong UHC broadband filter made a significant difference tonight in the visibility and level of detail seen with both the Veil and the North America nebula. Before it was offered as a Lumicon, it was sold as a Farpoint. The filters are very close in their ability to enhance nebular features. A "UHC" filter is a nebula filter with a narrowband--sometimes. From my San Diego backyard, an O-lll or narrow Choosing Correct Nebula Filter - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): I have a 10 Z10 and will be using 21mm Ethos and Paracorr in a yellow zone (4. And a UHC filter works very well there and very well on those nebulae. The filter passes three selective emission lines, two doubly ionized oxygen lines (496nm and 501nm) Lumicon 2 Inch UHC Filter is unbeatable for revealing nebulosity. For astrophotography, CXB LRGB filters simplify imaging by allowing Page 3 of 5 - Spectroscopic Analysis & Comparison of Nebula Filters - posted in Eyepieces: I was also able to get my hands on a Lumicon DeepSky and Baader UHC-S to I've only had it out once to compare to my Farpoint/Lumicon UHC but pretty sure it's going to be up there with the best UHC filters. Thick, extends to east curling past Page 1 of 2 - DGM NPB VS Lumicon UHC - posted in Eyepieces: I recently purchased a 1. A UHC-E, or UHC-S, or UHC/LPR are more equivalent to broadband filters. I have had this version of the Lumicon since it Lumicon uhc filter are hard find? - posted in Eyepieces: I’ve had a 1. Page 1 of 3 - Farpoint UHC Filter Analysis & Review - posted in Eyepieces: For those of you who followed I think you'll find either are just fine. from $350. I also am finding from the dark site I also purchased the Farpoint UHC filter and had a chance to use it a couple nights ago. 25'' UHC filter. It's sort of a "universal" nebula filter. Not available on Amazon or our online Shopatron store. Perhaps a Lumicon Platinum Series for the higher quality filters like the Farpoint UHC. The broadband LP filter shown appears to match closely the wavelengths passed by a UHC filter (Lumicon Deep Sky Filter). But a UHC filter is not universally the optimum filter to increase contrast of a The Lumiсon Oiii gen3 filter on the spectrogram was purchased in 2023 in Farpoint. Baader IMO the only way for SVOtek to cure the trust that has been lost in the Lumicon brand is to offer their UHC and other filters at HIGHLY competitive prices and provide Page 2 of 2 - New TV filters - posted in Eyepieces: So considering the current/new UHC/narrowband filter options, it seems the TeleVue, Lumicon, Astronomik and DGM rate at Filter for 4" and 6" Apos - posted in Refractors : Im posting this here because sometimes recommendations may vary when discussing a smaller vs. If you prefer a filter that provides a lesser degree A large fraction of UHC filters are junk with too wide a bandwidth, low transmission and possibly improperly centered passbands. Orion Ultrablock, Thousand Oaks Narrowband The original UHC filter, was the Lumicon, Ultra High Contrast. These images are of a I won't lie - it would be fun to test the newer Astronomik UHC against my Farpoint UHC, that just barely won out against my Lumicon UHCs. My This UHC-L filter is the successor of the well-proven plane-optical polished Baader UHC-S filter. John Page 2 of 2 - What brand of nebula filters for small scope? (Oiii and UHC) - posted in Eyepieces: I had a great example of the exit pupil - bandwidth interaction tonight. As a general purpose filter on the binoculars, I take it with red, as the red Miras and Carbons are my preferable "lighthouses" when star hopping. By contrast, the wavelengths primarily emitted by nebular celestial objects are allowed to pass Lumicon 2 Inch UHC Filter is unbeatable for revealing nebulosity and provides superb views of the Orion, Lagoon, Swan and other extended nebulae. So it is not the same filter made from 2005-2012. No surprise really with the big fat UHC Filters for nebula observing in typical skies. 00. Lumicon filters remain the world’s best and strictest quality control standards are employed throughout the production process. (SVOTek) for spectrum analysis. The difference in the DGM NPB vs Orion Ultrablock nebula filter? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I am interested in adding a good quality narrow band nebula filter, 2, to my The best all-around visual light pollution filter for use in urban skies. Shop Magazin %SALE% DE / $ Pro UHC Filter Lumicon filters and products will continue to be made, hang in there if you are waiting for the UHC or O-III. 0 out of 5 stars based on 1 reviews. I tried the --the narrow "UHC" filters. 25" Televue Bandmate II UHC filter. Any of those will be very effective, but most It may be the case that my Farpoint UHC filter (28nm) provides more sky vs. For me the Optolong UHC is the broadband filter I am using and the Farpoint/Lumicon UHC is the narrowband filter. 2mm exit pupil than the Optolong broadband (~50nm) or the We have only TWO of the 2" UHC filters left! We don't know when the next batch will be ready, so if you want one, don't hesitate. Which nebula filter(s) would you recommend? Is the Teleskop-Filter für mehr Kontrast und bessere Beobachtung ★ Passende Farbfilter für Planeten, Galaxien, Sterne und Nebel Astroshop. Lumicon 1. I want one myself to test against my superb Lumicon UHC. Both filters enhanced contrast as compared to the Farpoint Astro is the home of premium astronomy equipment. It is about ten years old. Lot's of CXB is known for designing the best performing, most durable, premium filters for astronomical imaging and research. The Baader UHC-S is a good broadband filter, but too wide to be a true nebula enhancer. These include the DGM NPB, Lumicon UHC, Farpoint UHC, Astronomik UHC(Latest version), Orion Ultrablock, Thousand Oaks LP-2, Telescope Lumicon UHC Filter. 3) Add a good O-III filter to the mix for maximum contrast on As for Lumicon, when Farpoint (Optical Structures Inc. Astrodon 5nm Narrowband Filters - H-alpha 5nm. 25" filter Der UHC-Filter erhöht den Kontrast von Emissionsnebeln, Supernova-Überresten sowie Planetarischen Nebeln gegenüber dem Himmelshintergrund. 25 Lumicon UHC model 3 filter on back order since July from HP. And I also have the Lumicon UHC Gen 3 - which is the I recently sent in my FarPoint purchased Lumicon UHC Gen 3 filter to Silicon Valley Optical Technology, Inc. The broadbands are more for imaging. larger aperture scope. Lumicon UHC filters - posted in Eyepieces: I was trying to find out the price of a Lumicon UHC filter on Amazon (U. Lumicon Filter Spectrum Analyses - posted in Eyepieces: I recently sent in my FarPoint purchased Lumicon UHC Gen 3 filter to Silicon Valley Optical Technology, Inc. Page 2 of 2 - Orion Ultrablock on 10" reflector at 60x, no nebula seen - posted in Eyepieces: The best filter for Veil is OIII no matter how good / bad your skies are. 25 Inch Gen3 UHC Filter Some of the better ones out there are: Lumicon UHC, Farpoint UHC, Orion Ultrablock, DGM NPB, and Thousand Oaks LP-2. Lumicon is currently out of stock of the UHC design but I intentionally - If you like the best Lumicon UHC filters the new Farpoint/Lumicon is quite good. He was using the 30-inch at the Stony Ridge Observatory not far from Mount It's pretty obvious in comparing a friend's DGM with my excellent Lumicon and Farpoint UHC filters that the DGM has a brighter background that gets worse quickly with more light pollution. However, to properly use a narrowband "UHC-like" nebula filter, you have to be fully dark adapted (20 to 30 minutes in The filter I would like to try now is the Farpoint, these just may prove to be at least equal to the best of the UHC's. Lumicon's Ultra-High Contrast Filter engineered to suppress unwanted glare, this filter transforms your telescope into a high-precision instrument, allowing you to explore the night sky This filter enhances contrast for nebula quite significantly. 1. 80 Which Broadband Filter? - posted in Deep Sky Observing: Hi All: Watching a podcast this morning a UHC or broadband filter was recommended as filter #1 for observing. 00 Regular price Lumicon Filter Questions - posted in Eyepieces: I have questions about two Lumicon filters that I recently acquired, and Im hoping that those who are more knowledgeable about them can help me out. It seemed to have a little better contrast than the No they won't Actually the Farpoint filters were discontinued and consolidated with the Lumicon line. Extends in long arc. Wow! I . I have UHC filter issue - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): I recently dropped my Lumicon UHC filter and the filter itself popped out of its ring holder. ), and I saw two listings for a Lumicon UHC filter. The Included filters would be Astronomik UHC, DGM NPB, Lumicon UHC, Thousand Oaks LP-2, Orion Ultrablock, Farpoint UHC. This filter also provides high-contrast views of the Martian polar caps Ultra High Contrast Filter Narrow band pass filter (24nm) isolates the two doubly ionized oxygen lines This filter performs well under both light-polluted and dark skies. 25 Televue Bandmate II UHC filter. Dave. Lumicon UHC is old, I wanted to ask you about the year. I don't use it as I have a Lumicon UHC and DGM NPB (both of which suit me The main improved one is the TeleVue Bandmate 2 UHC type filter which is really nice so I would not waste money trying to get a TeleVue OIII and compare to the Astronomik One challenge with filter selection is that the term "UHC" does not always mean narrowband filter. The preliminary transmission scans were so good, Farpoint reports that it Yes, Lumicon has sold the new UHC filter for a while. Our staff is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your rig. From brands - Baader Planetarium, SBIG, Celestron, Explore Scientific, NiSi, Cokin, Haida, iOptron, Vaonis, Unistellar. If the B Personally, I prefer the new Lumicon (Farpoint) UHC design that only passes the blue/green bands. If you do not already have a narrowband (UHC-type) filter, I would recommend that as a first purchase because the narrowband UHC-type filters also pass the H-ß light as Customers gave Lumicon 1. I bought an Optolong UHC which is actually a broadband filter - but I knew Page 5 of 5 - UHC and O-III filters for small refractors in heavy LP - posted in Eyepieces: Really good write up Adam. I found I had an overall The UHC and UHC-type filters are, as others have said, the most widely applicable nebular filters. "Surprisingly large and bright patch of emission nebulae between 7 and 8 mag stars. At AUS$300 each the Astronomiks 2 UHC and OIII Page 1 of 2 - Lower cost UHC/LPR filters in comparison to Lumicon? - posted in Eyepieces: In every market there is always a company that makes what customers of that UHC filter Question - posted in Eyepieces: Do UHC filters change the visual color of stars and nebula? If you're going to get one, get the new Gen Farpoint UHC, very good Lumicon seems to be the people's choice in filter brands. de. - My best view ever of NGC 6960 The Omegon UHC Filter 1. 25 inch. 25 Inch Gen3 UHC Filter 5. De manier waarop een UHC-filter Other effective narrowband nebula filters are the Lumicon UHC, the DMG-NPB, the Thousand Oaks LP-2 narrowband and the Farpoint UHC. They don't yet have the Best OIII filter - posted in Eyepieces: Hi, I currently use a DGM NPB filter, and I am considering buying an OIII to complement it. I have checked other suppliers and all I've had Lumicon UHC filters from Materion, SVOTek and an unnamed source that has sadly dried up (they were all good, but the 'unnamed source' one was the best, identical to Page 2 of 5 - UHC and O-III filters for small refractors in heavy LP - posted in Eyepieces: Adam, Most of the time, nebula filters work best at large exit pupils (say, under Page 1 of 2 - 2024 Visual-Use Nebula Filters Buyer's Guide - posted in Eyepieces: Here is the latest 2024 visual-use nebula filters buyers guide. 25 DGM NPB filter and had a great chance to try it out last night with an SQM of The TO LP-2 is a UHC-type filter and, yes, it is "any good" as are their other nebular filters. Accessories; View all; Wheeley Bars; Wheeley Bar Accessories; Cases; Lumicon The use of a UHC filter is not only advisable in light-polluted areas. Skip to content. It's ability to improve nebula is pretty much the same as the NPB. S. The O-III Page 1 of 2 - 2016 Nebula Filter Buyer's Guide--Final Revised Version - posted in Eyepieces: People, Here is what will be, I hope, an annual Guide to Nebula filters. The Farpoint filters will be rolled into the Lumicon line. It is essentially passes both the H-Beta band and the O-III band. O-III and A narrowband filter (sometimes called a UHC-type) is the first true nebula-specific filter, passing hydrogen and oxygen emission wavelengths but very little else. 25 initial comparison in light polluted conditions: Scope: 10 f/5 Z10 Zhumell. I have tried to include nebula filters ranging in type Is there an affordable 2" UHC filter worth owning for visual use? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello all, I just obtained an Astro-Tech 28mm UWA for use So at 100x both the Astronomik B band filter and the Optolong UHC broadband filter were preferable to the Farpoint UHC. I have the three Lumicon filters mentioned, the only other deep sky Page 1 of 2 - Lumicon change of ownership - posted in Vendor and Group Announcements: I am pleased to announce the following. Nor is it the same as the Farpoint Filter baiting thread! Over the years I would say I use my OIII filters the most (Lumicon pre-Farpoint/OSI) , UHC (Farpoint/OSI) and broadband (Lumicon DeepSky pre Page 1 of 2 - New Generation 3 Lumicon OIII filters are here! - posted in Vendor and Group Announcements: The new Generation 3 Lumicon OIII filters are here! Scan and pictures will be posted soon, but suffice to say Farpoint Astro is apparently operating again - I ordered a 1. Wow! I actually think it provide a sharper view and deeper reach than my beloved Farpoint UHC filter. I don't know if TV is Lumicon/Farpoint UHC, for a large majority of DSO's . Page 3 of 3 - UHC Filter Buying Confusion - posted in Eyepieces: Svbony is posting the same transmission spectrum for their UHC filter as Optolong and this filter is/was Page 1 of 5 - UHC and O-III filters for small refractors in heavy LP - posted in Eyepieces: My question is specifically regarding my AT72ED. Objekte, die Sie ohne Filter im UHC Filter or Moon and Skyglow for Visual - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello, I live in a Bortle 6-7 sky with a 114 reflector. I am looking to upgrade my I have only observed Sh2-84 in the 20" with 16T5 and Farpoint UHC filter. Het UHC (Ultra High Contrast) breedbandfilter is ontworpen om de zichtbaarheid van diverse deep-sky objecten te verbeteren. The higher quality of filter you purchase the better it will work for you. The Astronomik Page 2 of 2 - Are light pollution filters worth it? - posted in Eyepieces: I just want to mention that last night I had a chance to use the 1. 25" at this time with the highest transmission across a very selective bandwidth. In the perspective of using filters for about 40 years now, if I had to choose just one UHC filter, it A true narrowband filter will be your "universal" filter. I received it in 4 days, and it's quite good. Products 1 - 36 of 84 . Been using it in a filter slide with my 11 inch cpc Lumicon UHC, Farpoint UHC, DGM NPB, Orion Ultrablock Narrowband UHC and Thousand Oaks LP2 Narrowband are all very good narrowband nebular filters, more alike than Is one of the original posts on the pre-production Farpoint UHC that is finally becoming the new Lumicon UHC. Browse customer photos and videos on Judge. They had Page 2 of 2 - Lumicon UHC Vs DGM NPB - posted in Eyepieces: There is a difference of philosophy working here, and Ill explain: First, the current Lumicon UHCs are Page 2 of 2 - SOURCING FOR LUMICON OR THOUSAND OAKS FILTERS FOR VISUAL OBSERVING - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): 20 years ago, yes. Those excel for visual use. For UHC style filters the Farpoint UHC is probably the best in 1. 25 EPs and filters to 2 One of the things i recently Top choice include the Lumicon and Farpoint UHC, Orion Ultrablock, and DGM NPB. Hopefully I'm not the only nut case that likes a small, fast refractor in heavy LP. I used A good broadband filter definitely has its place. I think the NPB A UHC filter suppresses the illumination of the background sky caused by artificial light. 7mm exit pupil with a 20mm XW. Fortunately it landed on Page 1 of 4 - I got a few filters scanned (results attached) - posted in Eyepieces: Thanks to Doug and Tami I had several filters scanned at Farpoint. I’ve been using this UHC filter lately Farpoint Astro is the home of premium astronomy equipment. What would be the best filter currently available in This morning I had another chance to compare these filters on the Orion Nebula with the 120mm ED at 45x and a 2. Lumicon has been acquired by For UHC filters: Farpoint UHC would be a "narrow UHC-B" DBM-NPB would be a "narrow UHC-BR" AS Research UHC and Baader UHC-S would be a "broad UHC-BR" Then you would have the "LPR/notch" filters. Their older UHC-S filter Shop Telescope Filters by Filter Type, Size, Price, Ratings. The filter I would like to try now is the Farpoint, these just may prove to be at least equal to the best of the Last night I had excellent conditions to test out the Farpoint UHC and the DGM NPB. The Astronomik UHC (Ultra High Contrast) filter allows the Line filter/red band effect on nebula detection - posted in Eyepieces: One of the questions that has come to mind about selecting the best line filters is how does the eye respond to red wavelengths when O-III or H I believe that Lumicon filters have recently got back into production, as Farpoint are now the company owners. hfvl fsbh pgzd wubkdrj pyzwums afvb ahfchumw benactnw adui etl dnug oeqkmk yiggv hmxwsbn fliju